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After crashing over at Daehwi's house for those two days due to schedule. I really wanted to figure out that song he been writing. The way he acted when I tried to read it, ah it was similar to what I did to him. Typing down those lyrics on his phone and hiding it from him. The dance night is closing in, just about 5-6 more days from now.

Today, very rainy and cloudy. My taste in weather is here, I got up from my bed then exit the bedroom. A voice was heard in my head, I looked around the living room, kitchen, hallways, etc. I didn't find anyone.

"You won't be able to remember us, you won't be able to remember all those terrible memories."

I froze when I heard the term terrible. The voice continued on, it was getting quieter. I snapped back to reality after couple seconds of silence. Unconsciously, I was at the front door, my hand on the knob.

"Must be the reason why I can't remember anything when I was 5 huh.." I held the knob tightly.

I opened the door and slammed it shut, locking it quick. I ran out towards the sidewalk, the rain dropping and land everywhere on me. I didn't bring out anything to keep me dry. I can care less about it, I ran down the block to wherever my legs can take me.


I slowed down at the park, soaking wet, droplets dripping from my hair as well. Moving the hair out of my view, I noticed the rain stopped falling on me. I looked up to see an umbrella, I turned around to see Jisung holding out another pair of umbrella.

"Don't get yourself sick Jinyoung." He smiled at me, "You'll need this on the way back. So take this." He held out the umbrella that was covering me.

"Y-You don't need to do this.." I told him, his smile disappeared afterwards.

"It's for the best that the new group member shouldn't get sick before stage time.."

"What.. stage?"

"Ah, nothing. Anyways, why are you out in this type of weather?"

"Just.. some problems I've been having.."

"Ah, I see. Would that explain why you've missed couple trainings few months ago..?"

"Y-Yes.." I lowered my head to avoid any anger expressions.

"Don't be scared, I'm not mad or anything. Just very curious about you and that little boy." He lifted my head up. "Now tell me, what do you plan on doing for that boy during the dance?"

"Um.. I was planning on confessing after 2 months of being close, knowing each other, and such."

"Ah, come along now, let's get you cleaned up then buy some stuff okay?"

"No- I mean.. yes.. no.. y-" Jisung grabbed my arm, then we begin walking down the park.

I took hold of the umbrella he gave me, not long after till Jisung stopped. He opened the door of a car which I assumed was his. He lead me inside then shut the door, he walked around the car then entered the driver seat.

"We're going to my house for you to get cleaned up alright?" I only nodded to his question, he tossed me a towel he had somewhere upfront.

I used the towel and dried myself up a little bit, I leaned on the side then stared out the window.


As the ride continues, it was very quiet. How someone like him ended up at a park under a crazy weather. I didn't really kept that thought in mind, I pushed it aside and act like it never happened. It was break time on my end for the entertainment, after getting Jinyoung back on track. I'll probably drop him off somewhere to go back home or bring along to the Entertainment. I know his group are taking a break after those couple days.

"What are you planning on doing after getting cleaned up?"

"I honestly don't know."

"I'll give you two choices, I'll drop you off somewhere so you can head off home or do you want to tag along with me back to the company?"

"Um.. would you be mad if I tag along.?"

"Of course not, hence why I asked."

"Alright then, gomawo hyung."

We arrived at the front of my house, turning off the car. I opened the door then opened the umbrella, Jinyoung was doing the same on the other side. Doors shut, we head down the pathway towards the front door. I closed the umbrella and left it there on the rack next to door. Jinyoung did the same as I opened the door, I lead him in and towards a restroom to get a quick wash. I hope he wears the size clothes, I went to another room that is just filled with clothes and packages. Storage, dressing room, one of the two. I looked around for clothes that Jinyoung would wear, obviously the bright colors don't suit him much. I just grabbed him a plain black t-shirt with skinny black jeans. I had the clothes folded before I knocked on the bathroom door.

"Yes?" he shouted from the other side

"I'm gonna bring in the clothes that you can change into alright?"

"Yes." I slowly opened the door and placed the clothes near the sink.

I headed out of the restroom and waited on him to get settled. I got towards the kitchen for some reason, probably because I haven't had lunch yet. Since I'm on a tight schedule, I went to the cabinets to pull out two instant noodle packets. I got the stove on and running, poured water in a pot then placed over the heat. When the water begin boiling, I opened up the packs then put in the ramen.


After changing into the new clothes Jisung gave me. I was surprised on how the clothes fit me, not too loose, not too tight. I grabbed my clothes, folded them the best I can since it's kinda difficult to fold if they're sticking on to one another. I stacked them, carried it out with me.

"Jinyoung! Food's ready!" He shouted from the dining room after the restroom light went off.

It was my first time being in someone's house that isn't Daehwi's or the brothers without any invites. No, I haven't seen Guan Lin's yet surprisingly, I don't plan to unless we have plans to do so. I tried my best to look around the big house, didn't took me long to see Jisung in the kitchen packing some snacks into a bag. After he looked up, he saw just me standing there like a lost puppy.

"You need something to hold those clothes?" He looked at my hand where it was holding the clothes. I shook my head but he still handed me a bag to put my clothes in.

"Oh, before I forget and have the noodles ready, they're in the dining room, come along now." I followed him as he lead me to a room with a good window view, table all set, and organized.

I wonder why he do all that just for noodles at first, the view outside, the weather soften up. I sat down on a chair in front of him, he did the same too.

"Enjoy, this is probably our first time encountering outside of the building." He smiled before picking up his chopsticks. I only bowed my head then pick up the chopsticks, I am hungry after all the running. We digged in the noodles and would sometimes stare out the window.

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