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Angel is a 17 year old singer-songwriter. She loves music and her best friend in the world Baby. She is captain of the debate team and plays both soccer and volleyball. She earns all A's and B's in school and wants to go to college one day. In her freetime, she sings, dances, draws, paints, and "stalks" her favorite band, 5SOS. Other than her becoming a pro singer one day, one of her biggest dreams is to meet the guys in 5SOS. If she had to chose between any of the four guys, she'd chose Calum. They have more in common then anything, even more then her and Baby with some things. Loves going to the beach and hanging at the mall or movies with her friends and loves sleepovers! Personality: super funny, friendly, caring, competitive, weird, smart, daredevil. Angel is willing to do anything for her friends no matter what it takes. Description: long brown hair, wears glasses (sometimes), usually found in a flannal and an old band tee. Doesn't like wear dresses unless its needed. Always wears converse with anything. Has fair, clear, and tan skin. Main makeup is ChapStick, eyeliner, and a little mascara. Has hazel eyes. Height: 5'8". Always either has her hair up in a ponytail or in a braid of some kind.

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