1 | when jason met donna

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After all with what happened last week, Jason desperately needed a distraction.

The demigods won the war against the Titans, but not without the loss of their friends and comrades. Those who fought and survived were left traumatized by the war, mourning their lost friends, and praised by their godly parents for only a brief moment. Jason would be considered one of the luckier demigods. He lost some of his friends, but the sad truth is that's nothing new for him. Can he really understand how some of the legionaries are dealing with the aftermath of the Titan's War when he's been dealing with war for as long as he could remember?

He's seen demigods come and go on quests. Some succeed, some fail, some return, some don't. The one thing they had in common was that the gods didn't really care what happened to them as long as they completed the quest. Despite the gods's previous actions, for the first time in years, Jason felt hope that the gods would change for the better.

So that's why he's here again at the Amazons's secret island called Themyscira far off the shore of Oregon. He wanted a distraction so that's what he got. Jason and his fellow praetor Reyna had come to trade shields and armor made by the children of Vulcan for newer Amazonian weapons. The old weapons back at camp were either lost or abandoned by their previous owners, and now they were in low supply.

The first and only other time Jason came to Themyscira was to pick up Reyna and take her back to Camp Jupiter after she had spent a couple days with her sister, Hylla – the current queen of the Amazons. Reyna hadn't spoken of her time spent on the island and Jason didn't ask.

"Jason," a familiar voice called from the door of his guest room.

He turned his head and faced Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano. He remembered when she first arrived at Camp Jupiter four years ago, he had a feeling they would get along despite her guarded demeanor towards everyone. After four years of fighting alongside and leading the camp together, Jason realized how right he was. He now considered Reyna his best friend.

She walked toward him. "Hylla gave you permission to speak freely in front of the Amazons as long as you stay near me," Reyna announced.

"So she wants you to babysit me," Jason started, "Does your sister still not trust me?"

Reyna almost let her smile at his babysit comment before turning her expression neutral. "The Amazons aren't known for trusting men," Reyna replied like she rehearsed the sentence.

"Of course," He said dryly, "Are we going to be visiting the queen today?"

Reyna let the corner of her mouth arch downward slightly. "Yes, actually you are."

"Me?" Jason definitely didn't see that coming.

Their trading compromise was successful so he didn't understand why Hylla would want to see him now. Jason behaved respectfully to all the Amazons so he knew he wasn't in trouble with the queen for being disrespectful.

"Why me?" He whined.

"Her guards didn't say anything, but it sounded urgent." Reyna gestured for him to follow her as she exited the room. She navigated her way through all long corridors and led them to large golden double doors. He assumed her sister was behind those doors.

Reyna knocked a couple of times and, after five long seconds, one of the guards opened the door ajar. She examined them, then fully opened the door to Hylla's throne room.

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