0 | prologue

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The woman first notices the crowd. They are pointing at the smoke billowing from the building in front of them. The building is on fire, the woman soon realizes.

The firefighters are able to hose down the flames at the lower floors, but they could only do so much for the upper levels. It's at those top floors where she hears a small whining sound.

She identifies it as a baby's cry.

The woman runs into an empty alleyway and changes into her alter ego most citizens know as Wonder Woman.

She heads back to the burning building. The cry is louder this time. Some people from the crowd can hear it too. "There's a baby in there! Someone please save that child!"

Wonder Woman answers their pleas and flies directly to the top floor. As she busts her way in through a window, the hot flames touch her skin, but they don't burn her. She's practically fireproof.

Then, she spots the distressed baby in her crib.

Her cries even louder this close. Wonder Woman can see the visible fear on the small child's pudgy face.

Then, she saw what looked to be another child standing next to the baby's crib, but Wonder Woman knows that she is no child.

She is the goddess of the hearth. Hestia.

It's the goddess's presence that protects them from getting burned in the fire, but it won't last for very long.

Wonder Woman carries the baby girl in her arms and coos at her. She takes one last look at Hestia.

"Take care of that child. She needs you now, but soon it will be you that needs her," Hestia tells her.

Without another word, Hestia melts in the flames as Wonder Woman flies out of the building with the baby tucked in her arms.

In the depths of the most monstrous, most evil place of the Underworld, there is a wicked sorceress.

She felt pain that healed her. It made her stronger. She despised the horrible feeling, yet is thankful for it since she could have had a much worse bargain.

The sorceress felt her power slowly returning to her. Within a year or less, she would have her full strength back.

Tartarus is her prison, and she is going to break out.

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