Chapter 2

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Louie yawned as he woke up hesitantly. He sat up in bed and looked around, realizing that he was no longer in Dewey's room. He let himself fall to the ground with a thud, since he was still half asleep, alerting his brothers in the rooms beside his. Dewey and Huey ran in, already dressed.

"Louie, what happened?" Huey asked.

"Are you okay?" Dewey helped him up.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He rubbed the side of his head. "I just fell out of bed." The elder triplets laughed at their younger brother.

"Seriously?" They both asked in between laughs. Louie blushed.

"Stop laughing."

"Sorry, sorry, just, how!?" Dewey laughed.

"I was still half asleep, okay?" Louie looked down embarrassed.

"Okay, okay. You need to get dressed so we can go to school." Huey stopped laughing, trying to catch his breath.

"'Kay, I'll be down in a bit." Huey nodded and walked out of the room. Dewey stayed standing in front of Louie.

"Are you sure you're okay? You look a little flushed." Dewey asked.

"I'm fine Dew." The middle triplet placed the back of his hand on Louie's cheek. "Dewey, I'm okay." Louie grabbed Dewey's hand and squeezed it tight. "Now get out of my room."

"What? Are you mad at me?"

"No, I need to change."

"O-Oh, right......" Dewey blushed before walking out of Louie's room. "Keep it together Dewford. Come on." He sighed before walking downstairs and meeting Huey at the doorway. Louie finished changing and headed over to small box that sat on his nightstand. He opened it and looked inside. Sighing, he grabbed a small green hair clip from inside the box and put it in his pocket before grabbing his backpack and rushing downstairs.

"I'm here." He said as he ran up to his brothers.

"That was quicker than most days. Why are you in such a rush to get to school?" Huey asked. Louie's breath hitched.

"N-no reason." He stuttered.

"Alright then?" Huey said a bit skeptical. "Let's start walking." The triplets stepped out of the manor and made their way off of the property and began walking towards their school.

"No reason?" Dewey teased as they walked. "Yeah right." He laughed softly as he jabbed Louie's side with his elbow gently. The youngest triplet blushed and looked away, crossing his arms.

"Whatever Dewey." Louie looked back at his brother. "Hey, um, I have this hair clip." Louie took the small sparkly clip out of his pocket. "Do you think Jordan will, like it?" He asked. Dewey took the clip and pinned it in Louie's hair, moving his hand down and rested it on his cheek.

"I'm sure he'll love it." Dewey said reassuringly. Louie smiled.


"No problem." Dewey smiled back and continued walking along side his younger brother as they tried to catch up with Huey.

"You two took forever, and I'm supposed to be the slow one." Huey looked over at Louie. "Second slow one."

"Hey! I'm not that slow!" Louie pouted.

"Yeah right." Huey teased. He looked up and noticed that Louie's hair looked different than when they left the manor. "Hey Lou? Is that a clip in your hair?" He asked. Louie quickly took the clip out of his hair and hid it behind his back.

"No." He answered. Huey raised an eyebrow before heading into the school.

"You have to tell him at some point Lou-Lou." Dewey said softly. The youngest triplet shook his head.

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