Chapter 10

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"Huey, what do we do?" Dewey whispered to his older brother.

"I-I don't know Dew, I-I-"

"Hubert and Dewford Duck, report to the principal's office, this instant!" A loud, booming voice rang through the speakers. Dewey sighed.


"This is the third time." Huey said through gritted teeth. The two triplets made their way to the principal's office, heads hanging down in shame as they passed many people they knew.

"Huey, Dewey." Louie tried to follow his brothers, but was held back by Ivone.

"Let's go to class Louie, it's not worth it, let them sort things out themselves." She said, leading him over to a class that the whole group had together. English. Louie was angry, confused. He didn't understand. Did his brothers like each other, like that!? Were they dating!? No, they couldn't be, could they? But they're brothers, they can't. His head was filled with questions, questions that I wanted answers to. As the group walked into the class, they found their teacher sleeping, as usual. They went to their seats located in the back corner of the classroom. The group sat down, sighing, as if on routine. They all crumpled a note left at their desks, everyone except Louie, who had grown used to seeing them look so down. At the begining of the year, they had always read the notes, but as the days want by, they stopped caring what was said in them.

"You know, you never told me what your notes used to say. Mind sharing?" Louie said quietly, but loud enough so only they could hear him.

"They're just hate notes Louie." Azure started.

"For who we are." Azalea continued.

"You mean-?" The youngest triplet was interuppted.

"Yeah, cause of that." Andy replied.

"But don't let that stop you for being who you are Louie." Ivone encouraged. "It shouldn't even matter to them because it's 2018! I mean, seriously, get with the program. Everyone's a little gay, so what?"

"Ivy, calm, down." Azure said softly, putting a hand on her arm. The parrot took a deep breath, and then released the air. The class was carrying out their own little conversations, in their own little groups. Louie looked around, but made eye contact with someone from across the room. He turned away, and made sure that they were no longer looking at him before turni turning to see what they were doing. The two students on the other side of the room were talking, and by the looks of it, were disguted by the topic. They occasionally turned to look at Louie, making a face of disgust as they did. The green triplet looked away, and turned to face his friends. Sudenly, something hit him on the side of the head.

"Ow..." He muttered, turning to see what was thrown at him. He saw a poorly done paper airplane lying on his desk. Reluctantly, he opened it.

(Just, a trigger warning for what you're about to read....)

'Hey Louie. Why are you suddenly gay? Is it so you can fit in with all those, friends, that you have. You know our sister, the tranny, the weird twins with the game sexualities and that lesbo you call a best friend. I knew they would rub off on you at some point, but not in this way, since you know, they all like girls. But, oh man, did they rub off on your brothers, like, seriously, ew. What a bunch of faggots.'

Louie's grip on the paper tightened.

'Sheesh, I've heard of brotherly love, but this is just something else. It's wrong, it's disgusting! You three, along with all those weirdo friends, should go get your brains checked, cause all this stuff that you think you are is just wrong. Girls are supposed to stay girls. Guys are supposed to stay guys. Girls are supposed to like guys. Guys are supposed to like girls. You and your friends with your sick thoughts. I just hope you don't have any kids in the future, especially straight ones, if that's even possible, cause gays have gay babies. But even if you had straight babies, I feel bad for them, cause they have the devil as their parents. Anyway, good luck with life being who you are, a disgusting gay, who is probably incestuous too.'

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