Chapter 20

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Andy smiled and pat his head softly.

"I know you can do it, now just take a deep breath and come on." Andy offered Dewey his hand, the middle triplet taking it and standing up. The two friends walked out of the room and looked around. "Huh, looks like everyone went back downstairs."

"Oh, great..." Dewey whispered.

"Come on, Dew. Smile a bit, it's been so long since you actually smiled." Dewey smiled weakly and halfheartedly. Never had he ever felt so emotionally drained. He hated the feelings he felt. Getting over someone. Finding someone new. It just didn't feel possible. What had happened to them? Louie seemed to be the only one that was happy now that was because of some stupid guy he just met. Huey was no better. All his obsessing over the middle triplet for so long and just giving up on him like he was nothing? If Dewey was being honest, he hated it. He hated everything. He hated Jordan, he hated Jamie, he hated everyone. He didn't want anyone in his home, not even his best friend.

As if reading his mind, Andy turned around, stopping in their tracks before they entered the living room.

"Dewey, I know life is hard right now. Believe me, it sucks, but you shouldn't hate everyone for making it suck but be hopeful that you can make it better for yourself."

Dewey looked at him, the tears having formed in his eyes as they walked. Oh how he wanted to be happy. How he wished that he could see the good things again, but where were they? Were they purposely hiding away somewhere? Were they pulling some sick joke on him? He didn't know, but he wanted to.

"Andy...I just don't see what's so good in life anymore..." He admitted.

Andy looked into his eyes. That hope, that glimmer that used to be there when they were kids. It was gone.

"Wh-what about the sun that gives us warmth, or the clouds? Oh! And the all the cute little critters you love so much."

"Be real Andy...does it look like any of that will make me happy? I want to try to be happy for my Huey, I want to try to be happy for Louie, but I just don't know what happy is anymore."

"Do you want the dictionary definition or the emotional one?"

"I don't know, both I guess..." Dewey let out the softest laugh.

"Happy is feeling or showing pleasure or contentment. That laugh, that was happy. I know my best friend is still in there somewhere. The happy duckling I met in elementary school. The duckling that put a smile on my face with all his stupid jokes." Andy now had tears in his eyes as well. "As soon as your brothers see that you aren't happy, they'll drop everything in their lives to help you. Dewey, don't make them do that...I'm here too."

Dewey wiped his eyes, taking a deep breath and nodding.

"Thank you. I'll try. I'll stay happy to see my brothers happy, even if it means I have to live being alone forever."

"Someone will come along eventually, Dewey. Boy, girl, it shouldn't matter, right?"

"Of course not." Dewey smiled softly. "A pansexual loves all for who they are, not what they. Doesn't matter if they're a boy, a girl, transgender or nonbinary, I'll love them and I'll let them go if I have to. Even though it might take some time." He chuckled nervously.

"That's the spirit, Dewman, now come on. I heard that we're gonna watch some movies." Andy ruffled his hair but his hand pushed away.

"No touching, even if my hair looks like shit, I'll fix it up later." Andy grinned and pulled him into the living room.

"Dewey, are you okay?" Louie asked.

"Yeah, I'm great. See?" Dewey smiled brightly, making Louie smile as well.

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