Chapter 10. "A Pretty Tale"

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"I'm going to give all my secrets away"

-One Republic {Secrets}


The next morning snow get up really early because baby neal wake her up she took him for a walk in the town it was 6:40 AM but she didn't care it was better walking with him at that time because everything was so calm and relaxing.
David wake up early too but not as early as snow, he made breakfast for everyone then he went out to be with mary and baby neal.
Henry spend the night on the regina's. Emma wake up then...

-hello?- emma asked, she had recibed a phone call

-emma love, is that you?- killian asked on the other side of the phone

-hook? When the hell did you get a phone?- emma asked, laughting a little

-well i see you quite excited to talk to me- killian sarcasm jones said

-sure i am- emma laughted then asked -what do you want?-

-nothing, why ?- killian asked

-well, what other Reasons you have to call me at- emma checked the clock -7:20 AM?-

-because i wanted to hear your beautiful voice- killian said

-right, and that's all?- emma asked

-and... Belle came by this morning to tell me the time of the reunión- killian said

-there you are- emma laugh, and the charmings came back -so at what time?-

-5:45 PM, sound wonderful for a date isn't it love?- killian asked

-off course, you, me and almost everyone in the town- emma said joking

-exactly, now you're understanding- he joked back -al right, see ya there-

-bye, see you later- emma respond, while the charmings enter to the house

-hey- David said -who was it?- he asked refering to the phone call

-hook- emma said -he call to tell us the time of the reunion-

-first thing, when did hook got a phone?- snow asked

-i asked the same question- emma laughted -the reunion is today at 5:45-

-good- snow respond

-why did he call you?- David asked

-excuse me?- emma asked back

-why did he call you, he could call any of us so why you?- David said

-i don't know David- emma said giving him a killer look -and even if i knew that's not the point-

-Emma's right- snow said -we have better things to worry about-

*it passed about nine hours*

-we have to go, now- snow says -thank you for take care of neal tonight ruby-

-no problem, we'll be at granny's- ruby said

-emma let's go- David said down stairs

-i'm right there- emma said walking down the stairs

-thanks again ruby- David said, then they walk to gold's Shop. When they arrive everyone was there: robin, regina, hook, belle and gold.

-mom!- henry yelled

-hey kind- emma said confused -mm regina can we talk out here for a sec?-

-sure- regina -what happend miss swan?-

-why the heck you Bring henry here?- emma asked

-you wanted me to let him alone with that ice storm around?- regina asked

-you could have asked ruby to take care of him- emma said

-i'm not very loved by her- regina said -anyways, he's 13 i think he can handle this talk-

-fine, let's back inside- emma said, them regina and her walk back inside

-so, what do you wanted to share with us?- robin asked

-i find another book about arendelle, in Which says that the only weakness of the ice queen is her necklace- belle said

-how a necklace can be the weakness of someone?- emma asked

-is not exactly the material thing, is what i has inside. Before Elsa was the queen of arendelle and still was trying to control her Power, one day she escape home and met this girl glinda who was the good witch of the south she told Elsa to join her and her Sisters, the sisterly united were a group of powerful womens who could control the 4 elements, glinda was water and her other 2 sister were fire and air the sisterly needed ice so they told Elsa and she said yes so glinda give her the necklace with the only price that her Power was going to be there forever and if she took it off her powers will be gone.

-what a pretty tale- rumple claimed

-so the only thing that can defeat her is taking her necklace off?- hook asked

-yeah, basically- belle respond

-okay, so if We're done here i need to go- snow said

-no- emma said looking at killian -there's something more-

-really?- henry asked

-yeah kid- emma said -first i want to say that we didn't tell before because we didn't want to ruin the plan-

-what plan? And who do you meant with we?- David asked

-hook and i- emma said

-wonderful...- David respond

-this is the thing- killian said -two days ago when Elsa asked me on that date i said no but swan was there and she listen when Elsa asked me so later she told to accept the date because she was suspecting about Elsa being the ice queen, and she wanted me to find out more about her because in that moment we didn't know who she really was-

-so when Elsa came and confess she was the ice queen...- snow said

-i knew she wasn't going to hurt him because she really likes him- emma interrump snow

-and everything was planned?- robin asked

-yes- emma said -everything-

-why the heck you didn't tell us?- regina asked

-first because i wasn't sure and second because we didn't want to make any Risk telling you about the plan- emma said

-well... At least it work- David said

-so what did you find out?- rumple asked

-hook find two things, the first one is that some how she has been spying is since we were in Neverland, she know our secrets.- emma said -and the second thing is that hook know where she' hiding-

-and when are we going there?- regina asked

-now !- emma claimed


•okay first thing, thank you so much for 73 favorites guys this really meant something for me:3

•i think (if i'm not wrong) that this is the longest chapter i've written, like it took me two days Writing it

•hope you enyoid and please comment if you like it (or not) :)


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