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The sight that I beheld, shook me to my bone marrow. What I saw was Josh kissing a girl.

It felt like time stopped and everything was in slow motion. I could hear my heart, slowly breaking into pieces. His lips were against another girl's, his hands, were touching another girl - and that another girl wasn't me.

As much as I wanted to stay strong, tears couldn't help, but fall; fall so effortlessly. Even worse than when we broke up. This was betrayal.

Trust? What is trust anymore? Just a meaningless word people use, just like all the I love you s thrown away every day... Was I this unimportant to him? The compliments that came from his mouth, the times he told me he loved me. They were all lies, weren't they?

His love for me was a lie. Love is just a lie, a heartbreaking lie.

I glanced at the date it was posted and felt even worse, 4/7/16. Our fucking two year anniversary.

I turned my laptop off as I wiped the tears that escaped my eyes.

It's not worth crying Janette, don't waste your tears on lies. It's actually funny, lies sometimes hurt more than the truth.

Pushing all the thinking away from my head, I turned the lights off and went to bed. My eyes were still wet from the tears as I closed them.

Instead of seeing darkness and drifting to sleep, all I saw was that horrifying imagery my eyes had kissed: Josh kissing another girl


I hear my door open with a bang and someone storm in my room, but I was too tired to open my eyes and face the person.

Then I hear a weak, masculine voice say, "Nelly, get your ass up."

That voice, that familiar voice, it was Carmen. I wanted him to go away, but was too tired to speak.

"Fine, I'll show your mom the pic," he said as my eyes widened in shock and I immediately woke up, to face him.

"I'm up, I'm up," I said, as his ocean blue eyes locked with my golden brown mess. "And how the fuck did you-"

Then I realized it wasn't the pic of yesterday but was the one of me kissing Josh. My mum still thought I was pure. Well, too bad I guess.

Carmen furrowed his eyebrows, staring at me for a couple of seconds. It felt weird, it looked like he was studying me. Then, he leans closer to me, touching my cheek with his thumb.

"Have you been crying?"

No, idiot. I've been dancing with fairies.

I looked at him like he was crazy, trying my best to lie. "What? No, why would I be crying?"

Carmen looked at me in disbelief while crossing his arms. His chest heaved up and down slightly, showing his ability to breathe. Something I doubt I can do.

"So, you missed my birthday, you look like you have cried all night and you're a horrible liar, just so you know."

I drastically put my hand on my heart, acting like I was hurt. "First of all, I'm a good liar. I mean, I called you handsome and second of all, I'm fine"

Carmen smiled, but it was not a happy smile. It was an emotionless one. Getting up, he looked down at me. "Fine is not a feeling," he blurted out

"Yikes, I'm good then."

I went to have my bath and get ready, pulling on whatever fit while he took out his phone scrolling across god knows what. Once I was out, he didn't say another word, but got out of my room. I followed Carmen and grabbed his wrist before he could go downstairs.

With a frown on his face, Carmen looked at me dead in the eye. "Is it something I did that upset you?"

I shook my head, furrowing my eyebrows "No, what the heck, of course not"

"Was it Josh?" He tried to guess again as a gasp escaped my lips and I tried to deny it. Carmen stopped on the stairs and looked intently in my eyes, trying to find something.

Before I could say anything, he spoke again. "It was Josh! I'm going to kill that bastard, what did he do?"

Clenching his fists and groaning in anger, Carmen walked down the stairs with me behind him, trying to calm him down.

Then, he faced me as his ocean blue eyes met mine. "What did he do?"

I bit my lip, staring at my feet. I still couldn't comprehend what was happening, Josh kissed another-

"He broke up with me," I weakly said, trying not to break down in front of Carmen.

He placed his hand on my shoulder as I looked up. He had a sad smile on his face and his eyes softened. "I'm here."

When those words left his mouth and his weak, masculine voice ringed in my ears, my heart started to beat like crazy. It felt good having someone besides you.

Carmen smirked as I stared at him in total confusion. "I have an idea."

I didn't say another word, but listened to him.

"So here's what we're going to do," He chuckled like a kid. "We're going to make him jealous and make him realize what a big mistake he made."

"And how are we going to do that?" I doubted as Carmen winked at me.

"That's easy, I'm going to be your fake boyfriend."

My jaw touched the ground, I couldn't believe my ears.

Fake what now?


This chapter kinda sucks, because Jay lacks at talent lmao. This was written by Jay and edited by Sean, hope y'all liked it.


Sean: I'm not meant to intrude but shut up Jay. If you didn't have talent, I wouldn't be writing with you. Remember I love you. Smh. Anyway, later guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2018 ⏰

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