Kris - Our Baby Girl

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Kris Imagine ♡


"Baby, Im home." Kris said softly before heading inside your house.

No response. He quickly becomes afraid because you usually answer him right away.

"Babe?" He questions again a loud.

Kris then makes his way to the family room to see you and your new born baby daughter laying on the floor together sleeping. He instantly smiles at the sight of both of you. Seeing his two baby girls always makes his day.


After a couple of seconds, he lays down next your beautiful daughter. Her eyes closed and smiling. Kris couldnt help but caress her cheek and smile at her. She was exactly like you. The eyes, nose, lips. Another mini you Kris said when she was born.


Minutes later, Kris heard a yawn which startled him.

"Babe?" You called out before sitting up.

Kris's head instantly shoots up with a smile pressed on lips.

"Hey." He says casually before leaning your away and giving you a sweet peck on the lips.

"I missed you." You said as he pulled away.

"I missed you too." He replied before looking back your precious daughter.

"She also misses you." You said before laying back down.

"I know."

Kris also laid down and turned his attention to you and your daughter.

"Shes so beautiful. Just like you." He said as sweet as he could.

"I know." You replied back with an innocent smile planted your face.

"How long has she been asleep?"

"About two hours."


Seconds later, you both a hear a little yawn. Kris and you both turned your attention to your daughter who was starting to wake up. When her eyes were fully opened, she instantly smiled.

"See? She also has your smile." Kris said.

"Yeah, she does." You casually say back to him.



"Lets go to the park. Just the three of us."

"Alright. Let me get ready first. Stay with her okay?"

Kris then nodded in response giving you the que to go change.


(Fast forward)

As you both got out of the car, you opened the backseat of the car to get your daughter while Kris went to the trunk to get the stroller. When he was done assembling it, you placed your daughter carefully and gently into the stroller. Kris locks the car as you push the stroller onto the side. He quickly catches up to you and walks by your side. Kris then intertwines his fingers with yours as one of his hands push the stroller and as you do the same thing.


As time passes, both of you notice that your daughter has fallen sleep again.

"Shes sleeping." You said causally.

"I know." He replies back.

Minutes later, both of you pass by a fountain but not just an ordinary one. A fountain that started it all. This is where you met Kris and this is where he proposed to you. Love at first sight you could say. You both sat down on the fountain with your stroller right by your side.

"Happy anniversary." Kris said before leaning in for a passionate kiss.

"Happy anniversary. I love you."

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