Kyungsoo - Kendama

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Kyungsoo Imagine
It was an ordinary day at school. But today you brought your kendama with you. Kendamas have been spreading throughout your whole school and you decided it was your turn to get yourself one. There was one particular thing on your mind though. You wanted to play ken for ken against your crush, Kyungsoo. He is known as the kendama master. He is a pro at it while you are too. Youve had yours before its just that you've never brought to school. -
When the lunch bell rang, you immediately ran out of your classroom to find Kyungsoo. You had doubts you weren't gonna beat him buts its worth a try right? You went near the ASB (associated student body) and you saw him already playing with kendmamas. He was doing tricks you could do too.

"Hey Kyungsoo!" You half yelled since there was a crowd forming around him.
"Oh hey y.n! What's up?" He said still focusing on his kendama.
"Uhm,  I was wondering if you wanted to play ken for ken." Everyone in the crowd and looked at you. They started that,
"Ooooing" sound.
Kyungsoo looked up with a smirk plastered on his face. "You wanna play ken for ken against me?"
"Fine but here's the thing. If I win, you have to do me favor but if I lose, ill do you a favor okay?"
You then made your to Kyungsoo and pulled out your kendama.
"You first." You told him.
He then started with a something simple. He did a around the world.

You then did the same thing which caused Kyungsoo to gasp.
"Youre good for a girl."
"What's that supposed to mean?" "I didn't know girls were good at that."
"Shut up. You're turn."
He then started to do more tricks that were complicated but you easily copied it. You could tell Kyungsoo was getting frustrated by the look on his face.
"You didn't know I was this good huh?" You said.
"I thought you wouldve given up right now."
"Proves you wrong. Okay, last round."
Kyungsoo then combined all the moves which made the crowd
"Ahhh." In satisfaction.
He then finished by spiking it like a pro.
"Beat that." He said.

Within seconds, you did the exact same thing that Kyungsoo did. The crowd then started cheering you on which made Kyungsoo cross his arms. You then finished it with a perfect spike.
"I think I did beat you." You said with sass.
"I give up. You win y.n."
"Thats what I thought."
The crowd then started cheering and screaming your name like crazy. It was like a concert full of sasaengs. "Hey Kyungsoo." You said while taping shoulder.
"What?" He replied in defeat.
"Can I have my favor now?" "Yeah sure. What is it?" "Kiss me."
"Wait what?"
"Kiss me."
You could tell he was reluctant at first but he leaned in and kissed you with his plump lips.
"Happy?" "Yeah." You said blushing.

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