While devoting his life to the creation of Jazz, Ken realized that he was missing something. Something in his existence was just, incomplete. At last, and after many hours of turbulent thought, he discovered that which ailed him. He had no instrument on which to play his Jazz. All his hard work to created it was for nothing. Kennito made it his mission to discover an instrument worthy of his Jazz. He searched far and wide, across all the lands of the world, until he came upon an ancient temple of Ken. Made in the early days, before the birth of Kennito, the temple contained nothing but a single chest, the legacy of Ken himself. Inside the box was a gleaming trumpet. When he lifted his lips to the trumpet, Ken discovered the most incredible sound he'd ever heard. He swore to practice until he became the most incredible trumpet player in all the land.
The Holy Book of Ken
Non-FictionBefore anything was, Ken was. Then there was trumpets, and on the seventh day there was memes. And the world asked "What are memes?", and Ken said you don't exist yet politely STFU. Thus Ken created humans and the world as we know it.