Chapter 3

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Annabeth's POV ~~~ A few months later ~~~

Percy and I have lived in our new house for a few months now, and I'm almost done my studies at college. Percy decided after a month in college it wasn't for him so he dropped out and became a marine biologist. Which was pretty easy for him because he is Poseidon's son duh. I just got back from a day of classes and helping my mother Athena with new designs for Olympus. I rarely got tired because my mind is always working a million miles a minute. So I read my favourite book The Fault In Our Stars to pass the time until Percy came home from work. I was sobbing by the time he walked in, and he rushed over to me.

" Wise girl are you okay what happened ? "

' Gods I love him,his sea green eyes, the way his hair falls sexily right above his eye. ' I thought.

" Seaweed brain I'm fine I was just reading a book and I got the feels. "

" Oh okay. " he said obviously confused.

I was about to get up from the couch where the both of us sat until he grabbed me by the waist.

" Percy ! " I said as a blush rose onto my cheeks.

He spun me toward him and I sat on

his lap and wrapped my legs around his waist.

" You look so beautiful my wise girl. "

I slid my arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. He licked my lower lip asking for entrance and our tongues battled for dominance. He won and he snaked his hands up my shirt and lifted it off my body.

" Wow " he breathed.

I blushed once again and went back to furiously making out with him. I moved my hands lower down to his chest and unbuttoned his shirt without breaking the kiss. My hands slid up and down his rock hard abs, I knew we were going to far but I loved him so who cares. I moved my hands lower to his belt buckle and he ended the kiss out of breath.

" Annabeth we can't not yet " he sighed.

I pouted and gave him my puppy dog eyes. He sighed again and pecked my lips " Not yet. "

I grumbled to my self and slid of his lap. I looked up at the clock wondering how long I had read for when I realized it was 10 pm.

' Wait a second Percy's job ends at 6 where was he ? '

" Seaweed brain why are you home so late, I got lonely " I lied.

" Oh um I don't know. I-I mean I was just hanging out with the guys uhh Leo and Nico in t-the camp's forges. " He stuttered.

I squinted at him, I knew he was lying to me. Percy squirmed under my stare and blurted out " Leo and Nico are dating. "

He is obviously trying to change the subject so I let it go, but not completely.

" Aww that's great for them, I hope Leo treats him good. " I said while trying to cover my seething anger towards my boyfriend.

I ran upstairs and went into the bathroom. ' Why is he lying to me ? ' I thought as I silently cried. He hasn't even said ' I love you ' in weeks. What if he doesn't love me anymore ?

I wipes my eyes and heard a taking sound to my left.

" Annabeth my darling girl don't cry. " said a pretty feminine voice.

I looked up and there stood the goddess of love herself, Aphrodite.

" Lady Aphrodite why are you here ? " I asked.

" Darling your love life is horribly intriguing, I had to get a closer look " she laughed. " It seems to perfect to be true love, so Anna darling I have come here to tell you I'm going to make it 10 time more interesting. "

" Wha- how are you going to do that, I love Percy and I um think he loves me." To be honest I was trying to sound brave and not scared, but she sensed the doubt in my voice.

" Stop fooling yourself, he doesn't love you back, and I don't ship Percabeth. "

My mouth gaped open how could she say all these horrible things. I tried to speak but I was at a loss for words.

" Even you doubt his love for you, so don't complain when I fix Perseus up with someone better than a bitchy wise girl like you. "

That was it she drew out the rage from within me. When she used the nickname he gave me. I withdrew my dagger from my side and tried to stab her, but she is a goddess so she moved quick. She tried to grab my wrists but I was a daughter of Athena I had battle strategies. I slashed her cheek and she cried out in pain as golden ichor ran down her face.

" You bitch ! " she yelled.

I grabbed her by the hair and held my dagger across her throat.

" If you ruin my relationship, I will make you look so ugly the monsters in Tartarus will cringe when they see you." I whispered in her ear.


I turned toward the door and there stood Percy with riptide ready.

" I'm trying to kill a stupid a love goddess now if you will excuse me. "

I hadn't realized that Aphrodite had flashed out as soon as he walked in. I screamed with rage and gave my so called boyfriend a glare.

" I'll explain later just give me a minute."

He put riptide away and backed out the bathroom slowly and closed the door. As I heard the door click shut my eyes blurred with tears ' does he even care about this relationship anymore ? ' I looked in the mirror at my self " I am strong and no man can keep me down not even you Perseus Jackson. And I swear by the river Styx Aphrodite I will get revenge on you. "

I heard thunder rumble outside and I knew the oath I made would be true.


Sorry I took so long to update I was trying to make a longer chapter. Anyways I hope you liked this chapter and I'll update again really soon.

- Alexis 💕

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