The Barbecue

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Zach walks in the room and sees you guys
Zach: "Oh hey you guys are back, where did you guys go?"
Y/n: "The nail salon"
Zach: "Oh cool, how do your nails look?"
You give your hand to Zach and he looks at your nails
Zach: "They look good"
Ashley: "You sound like Corbyn when Christina gets her nails done"
Corbyn: "Ya gotta make your girl happy, ya know?" There was silence "Wait. Zach?? Since when did you care about y/n's nails? Are you dating my sister bro?!"
Zach: "Dude chill, no I'm not, and I was just being a good friend"
Corbyn: "Alright then man"
Y/n: "Any plans on what we're doing today?"
Corbyn: "Yeah dads grilling, we're going to have a barbecue before the fam goes, like a farewell party that they had for us when we left"
Y/n: "Sounds good"
It was time for the barbecue and everyone was gathered in the backyard having fun and talking. This time you sat between your parents while you ate. Then when it was over you said your goodbyes.
Ashley: "Bye little sis, I'll miss you a bunch! Come and visit us whenever you like, okay?"
Y/n: "I sure will bye Ashley!"
Jordan: "Later sis until next time, it was fun hanging here with you guys for three days"
Y/n: "Yeah I'll miss you bro"
You said bye to your parents and Corbyn, Jordan and your dad loaded the luggages into the car. Then they were back to Virginia.

End of Chapter 54

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