Fake stories

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On the drive home Zach has his right hand on your thigh and his left hand on the wheel until you guys get home. You guys get off and walk in to see the boys wrestling in the living room.
Y/n: "What in the heck is going on?"
They all stop and see you guys
Jack: "Oh, we thought you'd be back later, later like have sex there and come back."
Zach: "Jack, bro, really? It was a public area what would you expect? I can't even feed her without people or seagulls watching"
Jonah: "Did you two crazy kids have fun?"
Y/n: "Yeah I did. I thought the idea was cute thanks Zach"
Daniel: "Alright, well Corbyn will be here tomorrow what are we going to say we did for the past three days?"
Y/n: "Well day one I told him we were at the mall all day while really Zach and I went on a date, but he can't let him know, DONT TELL CORBYN THAT ZACH AND I ARE DATING! You will wake up with four members in a band"
Daniel: "Yeah we can't tell Corbyn that, so day two we stayed home and watched Netflix, without chill, except maybe Zach and Y/n since they slept together twice already"
Y/n: "That's literally all we did, sleep and talk, nothing else"
Daniel: "If you say so, anyways, day three we.."
Jonah: "Went swimming!"
Daniel: "No we can't say that he'll get mad y/n was in a bikini while he was gone"
Jack: "Hung out at the park then"
Daniel: "Sounds good, don't change the stories or he'll catch on"
End of Chapter 74

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