The crash

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Alex stood by his mother waiting for his father to arrive with the car. "How much longer do we have to wait?" Alex asked impatiently. "Soon he said he's on his way" his mother replied with a soft voice. Alex looked at his phone to see a message from his friend, Fred. It read "hey you coming out". Alex was about to reply when his father drove up next to him and his mother. "Alex put that phone away and get in!" His father shouted. Alex slipped it into his pocket and jumped into the back of the car. He went to put his belt on but it got stuck. "Dad my belts stuck I can't put it on" Alex said looking at the over two seats filled with boxes. "Well just wait we won't be long now so just hold onto something" his father said. Alex looked around and held onto the cup holder. His mother had a disgusted look on her face as the car drove off. The road was bumpy and rough. "Dad could you slow down I'm not wearing a seatbelt remember?!" Alex said furiously as the car bounced along the road. "You'll be fine son I swear not long to go now anyway" his father replied laughing. They drove over a bump in the road causing Alex to be lifted up and have his head bounced off the roof of the car. "DAD! SLOW DOWN!" Alex shouted in pure anger. "Now don't you get an attitude with me mister!" His father shouted back. His mother ignored them both and stared out the window. Alex took out his phone to see another message from Fred. It read 'you gonna answer me?'. Alex went to replied but the car drove over another bump causing him to hit his head once more and drop his phone onto the floor. He yelled in frustration. He looked at him father to see that he was going 80 miles per hour. "Dad isn't that a bit too fast?" Alex said worryingly. He didn't reply, he just kept his eyes on the road ignoring his son.

Alex sighed in frustration and bent down to pick up his phone. He looked to see that it had slid under the seat in front so he kneeled down on the floor me stuck his hand under the chair. A sharp object under the chair caught his arm and gave him a deep cut. He still tries to get his phone but the car came to a quick stop. Alex was forced into the back of the chair and felt a sharp pain in his arm as something wet dropped off it. "Is everyone okay?!" His father shouted. Alex didn't say a word. He looked under the chair to see his arm was caught under it. The sharp pain grew as he saw the blood dripping down his arm soaking the floor. His arm was stuck with the sharp object that stabbed him before now stuck in his arm. He tried to move but it dig deeper into him. He screamed in the pain. "Alex..... What's the matter?!" His mother asked worryingly as his father stepped out of the car. "My's stuck" Alex replied trying not to scream again. "What happened?!" He asked as he attempted to manoeuvre his way out. "T....there was a person in the middle of the road and your father tried to stop but the car was turned and hit the man. We're  now stuck in the middle of the road and no cars can get passed" His mother explained. Alex bit his lip holding back a scream as the object was wedged deeper into his arm. His father climbed back into the car. "There's an ambulance on the way and they're going to send someone to help us" his father explained.

In the distance they could hear a rumbling sound. Alex's parents looked to see something that frightened them. "ALEX GET OUT NOW!!" His mother shouted. "I can't.... my arms stuck!" He replied. He pulled on his arm trying to free it. He looked at his parents faces to see the horror in there eyes. He pulled harder screaming in desperation. "COME ON PULL HARDER!!!" His father shouted trying to get to Alex but the doors had been jammed shut by the child locks. Alex looked at his mother who had tears running down her cheeks. "HURRY GET HIM OUT.....PLEASE HURRY!!!" She shouted. Then he heard it. A loud fog horn rang out. Alex was horrified. He ragged even harder with tears running down his face. "HELP ME PLEASE.........HELP!!!" He shouted as his throat went sore and dry. He coughed loudly nearly choking. He looked for his parents but could see no sign of them. "MUM......DA-" but before Alex could finish a huge lorry ran into the side of the car. It crushed the driver's side and pushed the car down the hill. Alex was barely alive but still knew what was happening. He could feel himself falling with the car. The car finally hit the ground crushing Alex instantly but not killing him yet. He could not see as his vision was too blurry and his hearing was fuzzy. He could feel himself dying slowly in this trap. He let out his final words slowly and quietly "".

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