Dare 5 - Nick VS Everyone - Loooots Of Shipping - And A New Friend, Treala!

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Kiekiel: *still runs away from AAARRRGGHH!!!, trying to come to Toby*

Toby: *laughs and holds his hand in front of his mouth*

AAARRRGGHH!!!: *follows whereever Kiekiel goes*


Jim: *goes to Kiekiel's tablet and reads the dare* AAARRRGGHH!!!! Kiekiel! We have a dare to do!

Kiekiel: *immediately portals to Jim before AAARRRGGHH!!! can catch him again*

Jim: woah! *goes a few steps backwards* Remember what I'd say! Please no portaling in front of me!

Kiekiel: that wasn't in front of you, it was besides you.

Jim: then don't portale in front of me, besides me or behind me.

Kiekiel: then over you. Great for me. *takes his tablet and reads the dare, AAARRRGGHH!!! comes running towards him* *portales away just a second before AAARRRGGHH!!! even could have touched him* so, we have a dare to do! Nickinick VS all the others. That means Nick VS me, Jim, Toby, AAARRRGGHH!!!, Blinky, Claire, Yugo, Tristepin, Eva, Ruel, who I bet is sleeping, Adamaï, Az, Amalia, Harper and Yuk-

???: and me?

Kiekiel: WHA! *jumps a few meters high in the air while the other laughs* what do you people have with scaring life out of me!?

???: hello.

Kiekiel: and who are you? *turns around*

???: my name is Treala, I'm an Eliatrope.

Kiekiel: more Eliatropes?

Treala: are there more?

Kiekiel: yep. Nick the Eliatope God, Yuki, Harper, Yugo and me.

Treala: Eliatrope God!? Cool! Where is he?

Nick: *appears behind Kiekiel* I'm right here!

Kiekiel: WHOA! Can't you guys stop scaring me?

Nick: no. We can't. It's just funny. And about the dare, this is going to be fun.

Kiekiel: for you maybe.

Nick: for me, oh yes. I'm like 10 times stronger as you all are together.

Treala & Nick: *goes to the couch that was standing in the room and talks*

AAARRRGGHH!!!: *grabs Kiekiel* Kiekiel! Fight!

Kiekiel: *gives AAARRRGGHH!!! a 'seriously?' look* set me down please!

AAARRRGGHH!!!: *sets Kiekiel down and pats him on the head, then smiles*

Kiekiel: thanks. Okay, first Toby. Then the dare. *goes over to him*

Toby: oh no. *goes backwards while Kiekiel is coming towards him*

Kiekiel: not oh no. Oh yes. *smirks*

Toby: why did I even tell him that? *whispers*

Kiekiel: yep, why? *holds up his left hand and makes a portal*

Toby: no. no, no, no, no, no! Not portaling! That's like the maximum penalty!

Kiekiel: perfect.

Toby: *portal appears under him* *freezes* oh no. *falls through the portal and comes out again outside, falling onto a tree from like 3 meters high* *yells* KIEKIEL!

Kiekiel: *looks outside the window and laughs* *closes window again*

Jim: *stands in front of Kiekiel when he turns around* get him down from the tree. Now, Kiekiel.

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