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True story :

A boy about 7 years old came running inside the banke bihari ji temple and ran straight towards the shayan kash. He was stopped by a pujari...
Pujari asked,"Laala you are not allowed to enter here it is forbidden tell me what do you want?". The boy replied pointing towards the murti of makhan chor,"He stole my kancha (marbles).I'm here to take it back"."How can he steal your kancha child ?he was here all the time". But the child kept demanding for his marbles. At the end the pujari scolded him and told him to go away and play somewhere else. The boy went dejected...

At night when the pujari took off his mukut he was shocked and amazed to see 30-40 marbles hidden it, the boy had spoken the truth...
   "The one who can steal hearts, how hard is it for him to steal kancha..."

Hi once again this one is quite short but also one of my favourites as it depicts his naughtiness, friendly nature and how he establishes a deep bond with people can be seen in the story.
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