pale blue eyes

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The sky was turning the shade of ink as the air rumbled in the distance. The air felt thick like he was wading through water; his clothes was sticking to his skin. Every sane person had fled in doors after seeing the eerie line of clouds approaching the town but he was stomping through the forest, hoping his fears were misplaced. He had seen suspicious shadows all week, roaming through town with their heads down trying not to be noticed, hiding their eyes. He knew they'd be meeting here as soon as the next storm arrived. That was the only way that the task would go unnoticed.

He was getting tired of walking through the dense trees, the bugs were slowly crawling up his arms and he could hear them buzzing around his ears. No matter how many swats he made at them, they always returned trying to take blood that wasn't there. Not to mention that the air felt so thick it was comparable to drinking water. He wished it would just rain so it would be over with, even if that meant he'd have to step in the puddles and get his shoes soggy. He wished he didn't have to sweat anymore.

He sighed in relief as the ground gently plateaued exposing a lavish meadow with wildflowers that dotted it with whites, pinks and purples. He was finally where he needed to be. They would be here any second now, he just had to spot them before they saw him first.

He scanned the field for what felt like fifteen minutes before he saw a slight shake in the bushes directly across from him. He was lucky it caught his eye so he could duck behind his own greenery before they saw him. One by one they filed out into the tall grass, looking around for the person they were supposed to meet. Their dark eyes that flickered neon colors searched the surrounding area until they all landed on the man they were waiting for.

He walked out with his arms wide, his smile just an inch from his wing span. He was pleasant looking for once in his long life and it brought the crowd a feeling of misplaced comfort. This man, whose eyes flashed the rare color of pale blue, was no one to be trusted. He was a demon: a snag in reality, a mutant of time, and a disgrace to mother nature. He was a monster.

"Welcome, my friends," he exclaimed, arms still in the air like he was about to hug each and everyone of them, "I'm so glad you could make it."

The field was silent for a moment as everyone took in the presence of the man they had come to admire. They couldn't believe that such a powerful being was standing in front of them with a wicked grin on his ghostly facade.

A crack of lightning was heard nearby before anyone talked again.

"I'm sure you all know why I summoned you here?" the man asked, his eyes flashing that beautiful blue.

No one moved a muscle. Not a soul dared to make a sound.

The man sighed, letting his arms fall to his sides before he looked up again, a smirk forming on his lips. "Then I guess I'll have to remind you."

Before anyone could even think the man had grabbed a woman from the crowd by her neck in front of everyone. He lifted her into the air, making her feet scramble because she couldn't breath. She only got one blood curdling scream before he crushed her throat with his hand and dropped her to the ground.

"We're here to sacrifice the few for the many."

The man stepped away from the bloody corpse that laid by his feet and gestured everyone to come closer. He could hear their helpless heartbeats speed up as they saw the dark liquid spread across the ground. He could see them licking the drool off of their lips as they imagined what she tasted like. He knew what they wanted.

"Please," he gestured again, "help yourselves."

Within seconds the men and women around him dug their sharpened teeth into the dead woman's neck. They had been thirsty for years, having to dine quietly, never quite getting a full meal in fear of being found. Now, they drank like wealthy women on a night out. Once they were done they wiped their mouths and stood back up, quenched for the first time in forever.

"Now that you're replenished, let's get to business.

As you all know, my family founded this damned town. We made the business thrive, we attracted the citizens, we wrote the laws, we did it all." A flash of nostalgia hit the man's eyes, a bit of sadness behind it before he continued. " You all know we were forced out less than a century by your current oppressors. We were ran out, threatened with the thought of the whole city being burnt to the ground along with everything we had made with it." The man paused again, looking across the crowd with a sense of pride, now. He was about to start speaking again when his eyes caught a rustle in a tree about forty meters back. He smiled, already knowing who it was.

"My siblings and I left, for the future of this city, but now I believe it's time to return in glory! It's time to take back what's rightfully ours and rid the city of it's dictators once and for all!"

The crowd roared in agreement, punching fists in the air and celebrating with people around them. They started chanting the ancient family name that they all had ties to, Park.

The man who stood in front of them, Killian Park, felt power beyond belief. After so many years of hiding, and planning he'd finally have his revenge and reunite with his brothers and sisters. They would finally be safe from everything, unstoppable, powerful, noble.

Killian looked to the same tree that he had seen rustle before and searched for the familiar red glow of his brother's eyes. He had started to think he had left until he saw them flash, angry. His brother was never one to forgive and forget, especially the second part of that. No, his brother, Chris, knew how to hold a grudge. Even if that grudge was over a century long.

Killian sighed hoping his new plan would work, knowing that if he failed, he would never see his siblings again and quite possibly be ridden from the earth as he knew it. He gulped. This has to work.


Rewritten: 8/7/18
♡ admin seulib
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