an asthmatic vampire

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Chris stayed in his spot until he knew for sure that the last one of Killian's new henchman were long gone. He didn't want to risk getting caught and having to explain to his own brother why he was spying. he'd probably already know. Hell, Killian probably knew he was sitting there in a rose bush, something he regretted the minute he stepped into it. He was soaking wet and he could feel the water squish between his toes with even the smallest amount of movement.

He sighed, pushing himself up and trying to avoid the thorns that surrounded him, he didn't feel like walking all the way back to his home in this state, but he had to. He even had dirt on his pants. Chris scrunched his nose. This is so gross.

He quickly forgot about this though, there was another rustling by the trees and he was preparing for Killian to unleash a wrath on him. Instead, he was surprised to see a small woman appear looking lost. Her eyes were a deep, calming brown and it was almost like Chris could see her in his arms. He never had believed in love at first sight but looking across the damp field, he couldn't argue with his heart, not when his mind was running in circles.

He stayed in his spot, watching her as she frantically searched for something. She was breathing hard. Too hard.

Chris looked around for any in the trees that could be watching, especially one of the Empaths that just crowded the meadow. There wasn't a soul in sight, just that poor girl who was still looking everywhere, even under rocks, which seemed foolish to Chris. What could be hiding under a rock that would be so worrisome?

He started to take a few steps towards her, being as careful as he could be without scaring her. As he took his sixth step he stepped on a twig which snapped, alerting the girl to his presence. Her head whipped in his direction, eyes wide flashing a brilliant golden color. She stepped backward and stepped on a piece of wood herself, but her left heel got caught, making her fall back. Her arms flailed and she let out a squeak before she landed on the ground with a thump.

Chris was confused. She had golden eyes? That didn't make sense, all vampires came from his family, didn't they? Eye color represented the sire line, and none of his siblings had them. Who the heck is this girl? And here was how she fell. If she really was a vampire, why didn't she catch herself? Vampires were stronger than humans, by far, so was she just so frightened by Chris that she couldn't think?

Chris took a step closer, hands up in defense after she flinched in fear. As he stepped closer to her he realized that she was in the crowd before. In fact, she was standing right next to Killian, almost like she was his adviser.

"Look, I don't want to hurt you," Chris spoke gently. He was still taking smooth steps towards her when he stepped on something man-made. He glanced down to see something bright red and plastic with a little can sticking out of it. More confusion sprouted in his jumbled mind. Is this an inhaler?

The girl looked down at his feet, peering at the small object before leaning forward and quickly picking it up. She took a swig of the thing before looking at Chris again. Her eyes flashed again. They were a beautiful color, like holding the sunset in your hand.

"Who are you?" Chris asked, but there was no answer. The girl's eyes flicked towards the forest, waiting for something. Chris stopped. The trees started to shake, making the leaves that sprouted from them shiver in excitement. Chris tensed.

A hand appeared out of the bush and soon Killian followed. A crude smile on his face as he saw his brother in front of him. His eyes had the same glint of playfulness that they always held; he hadn't changed. Or at least, he's acting like he hasn't changed.

"Come on now, Dear," Killian tore his gaze from his estranged relative and held out a hand to the girl who was still laying on the ground. She was soaked, not only from the pouring rain that was still falling but from the puddle she had landed in. She was covered from head to toe in mud.

She looked at him, ready to spill the tears that had formed in her eyes. Killian's eyes softened- something that was rare. He hadn't been this gentle since Jude had died.

"Come on, the longer you sit there the more it soaks in." He chuckled. "This is why I tell you to eat." he scolded as he leaned her upon himself. Chris was nonexistent to them as they talked to each other in their own little world. The bond between them was something Chris had only imagined. Killian was like a parent to her, dusting her off and cooing to her. Chris wondered where he had learned to be so caring. How he managed to be okay after having his mate die.

The woman glared at him for a short moment before she gave up, tired from something suddenly. Her eyes rolled back into her skull. Chris stood by, wondering what on earth was happening. What kind of vampire passed out so suddenly?

The woman woke up like a firecracker had gone off, flinging her eyes open and gasping loudly, like she had been underwater for multiple minutes.

"He's your brother?" Her eyes locked with Chris's.

Killian sighed, rolling his eyes quickly before straightening her until she stood on her own. His eyes were still soft, at least, until he looked at Chris once more. That's when they became unreadable. Chris couldn't tell if Killian was mad, nostalgic, or just apathetic.

"I see you've met Cassandra," he said flatly, he was trying to be smooth but he was trying too hard like he always did. "Cassandra, this is Chris," Killian cringed as he specified, "my brother."

Chris didn't even think about what he was saying as he blurted, "You have asthma?" Once he said it he regretted being so forward, he didn't really socialize that much nowadays, especially with new people.

Cassandra slightly blushed, nodding her head. "I try not to drink from humans." she glanced over at a disapproving Killian before she stifled a laugh, "It affects my abilities but sometimes it's better if I don't have them."

"Oh?" Chris replied, "What would those be if you don't mind me asking."

"Oh, no, I'm a-"

"It's been nice seeing you Chris." Killian turned Cassandra away and started to gently push her in the direction everyone else had left, "But with the weather being what it is, I think it's time for us to go." Killian shot daggers at Chris.

"Lian," Cassandra whined but before she could get another world out they were gone with a gust of wind.

Chris couldn't help but laugh by himself while they were gone. His brother was a strange person, anyone would know that. He sure does attract some strange people to him, though. Like Cassandra, a vampire with asthma? The whole point of being a vamp was being a better version of yourself, not having any physical borders. You were free from being held back. Not quenching your thirst just sounded dumb to Chris. Who wouldn't eat when they're hungry?

- - - - - - - - - - - 

Rewrite: 8/7/18
Thanks for reading guys!
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I hope you guys like what I'm doing with the story now!
Feel free to comment anything, whether you like one character or think that two are going to get together! Try to predict!
Maybe they'll be a surprise for someone who predicts a big plot twist??

Chapter Question: Do you think you can have more than one best friend?
  ♡ admin seulbi 

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