the match to my wildfire

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"Glad to see you could come," Killian announced as he walked into the bright kitchen. His sister, Keva, sat at the table. His smile would've fooled anyone else, the way beautiful chandelier's lights glinted off his bright white teeth, the forced eye crinkle, he had practiced it so many times sometimes he didn't notice he was faking. Keva, on the other hand, did.

"Yea, well," she took his image in, it was painstakingly obvious how he was hurting inside. "I guess when you're favorite family member calls you have to do something."

Killian gave a light smile but this time it was real, he was happy his sister was here. She was the one who was always there, the one who seemed to actually care. Diana and Alexander were like two peas in a pod their entire lives, despite being born twenty years apart, which to be fair, isn't long in vampire years, but it always made Killian feel left out. It was only a few hundred years ago that Keva started to come to his side. Before that, Keva was closer to Chris.

"So what is it that you called me here for?" Keva asked, looking around the old house that used to hold Killian's new family: Jude, Cassandra, himself and their pet Sam, who was a samjoku. It was reminded her of a ghost town now; only Killian and Cassandra lived here now. "I thought you didn't want me around anymore."

A heartstring snapped inside of Killian. He had hoped that Keva had forgotten that night from a few months ago. It was one of the moments he regretted the most in his long life.

It was a few months after Jude had died, the third month, exactly, and Keva was trying to clean up around their apartment. She lived there too, at that time at least. It was truly a mess, magazines all over the floor and a few dirty coffee mugs on the table- all from one of Jude's late-night obsession sessions.

Long story short Killian wasn't too happy when he came home later that day to one of the last thing's Jude touched tidied and put away. Keva had even sprayed the couch, taking Jude's sweet scent away for good. It broke Killian, put him in an angry frenzy that ended with throwing Keva out to the street. He hadn't seen her, not even spoken to her directly, since.

"Keva, you know I'm sorry about that." Killian conceded. He felt terrible the second she was gone. She had been his rock; she had always been for him, even at the lowest of his lows.

"It's fine Lian, what do you need?" Keva sighed with a soft smile. She was always so understanding. Always so excepting.

"I think you know," Killian chuckled, "I'm sure you've heard of my master plan by now, haven't you?"

"that you plan to take the whole world over?" Keva mused, "I might have caught a few whispers here and there."

"Well now that you're here, everything can finally start," the pair shared a knowing stare, "you're the match to my wildfire."

Killian's lips turned up, an infamous smirk. The two siblings spent hours talking about the plans. They fed off each other, the room was filled with excitement as both of their eyes had a soft glow to them. Keva's eyes were orange, something Killian had always envied. They were easier to hide and a strange beautiful that not many people acknowledged. Killian was one of the few people that paid any kind of attention to Keva.

"Sir," Han was back again to interrupt yet another one of Killian's conversation's. " There's someone at the door."

Killian rolled his eyes as he got up from his chair. He hadn't realized it, but the sun had come up, signaling a new day. He had talked with Keva for at least five hours. He smiled to himself for a moment; it felt nice to be close to someone like that and not worry about them walking eggshells around him.

Killian's smile quickly faded when he got to the door. There, stood an avatar, one of Alexander's cronies. She had green tattoos spinning around her arms and twirling down her legs which was a sign of prestige amongst the avatars. Killian resisted another urge to roll his eyes. Whatever kind of game Alexander was trying to play, Killian was already tired of it. Had Alexander send someone to try to 'warn' him that his plan would fail? Killian hadn't anticipated that rumors would spread that fast.

"Killian Park," the woman spoke, her voice was deeper than average, but that didn't get Killian's attention first. No, instead, the piece of paper in her hand caught his eye. "I am Abigail-"

"What's on the paper?" Killian asked, wanting to get to the point.

"This is from King Alexander, a message to you and only you." she responded, not noticing his rudeness.

"He's calling himself king now?" Killian snorted. His youngest brother was always one for theatrics, but Killian had never thought that Alexander would be that weird. It just proved that he was stuck up and thought he was better than everyone else.

"Yes, but here," Abigail held the letter out for the deadly sire.

"Just tell me about it." The man strolled back into his home and sat on the kitchen island. He kicked his feet back and forth as he saw the frustration blossom on the avatar's face. Keva stifled a laugh as she watched the whole endeavor which only egged Killian on.


"I'm afraid I can't do that, sir," Abigail hesitated, "It's meant for you only."

"Well, I'm giving you permission," Killian assured, a gleaming smile spreading across his face like a wild fire. "So, read it to me."

Abigail thought for a moment, scanning the room and everything in it. Only she, Killian, and Keva stood in it now. The avatar sighed and ripped the letter open.

"My dearest brother and sister," Abigail began. Killian smiled, how did Alex know that Keva would be here too? That bastard has to much time on his hands.

"It's my greatest sorrow to inform you that our sister, Diana, has fallen gravely ill. She is in my safeguard and is staying with me until she has regained health but I feel like I must warn you. Someone is making a move against us. Please be on the look out for a witch with disastrous means and be careful for not only your sake, but for everyone's.


Keva's face flashed concern for a brief moment before Killian chimed in.

"So he writes me a letter about how Diana has a cold? Oh, please." he huffed, " does he expect me to come crying like it's a funeral? Does he think I'm going to hunt down this witch?"

"Lian," Keva spoke, her voice holding a warning that made Killian quiet down, "I don't think he meant a cold."

"Still, has he never heard of a text message?" Killian ranted, " and what's with the ancient vocabulary?"


Chapter Q: what's your favorite tv show atm?
mine's charmed and riverdale

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♡ admin seulbi 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2018 ⏰

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