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Come back and lie with me
It's a funny sunny day
My ears can't hear the truth
they can only hear you say❞


Age of disobedience”

“So as I have said before that you're an amazing artist and people love your work.”

Marcus says with his hands clasped together. He inhales sharply,and I cringe.

The anticipation was killing me.

Marcus called me today that he have this surprise for me. I'm just so confused right now

“You finally got a new car.”

I said looking at him with excitement. He grins shortly before dropping his smile.

“No I love my car and I don't need a new one.”

He exclaimed dramatically his dimples showing as I reminded myself that I'm seeing someone.

“God,when are you going to accept the fact that your car is old.”

He shook his head, biting his lips,he says

“Not old it's antique.”

I just rolled my eyes at his comment as I sipped the coffee. I have taken a half day today and was at the gallery with Marcus.

Well he owned the gallery and sells paintings of different artists to the buyers who wants them.

“Well since you're so bad at guessing I'll just drop the bomb.”

I mentally prepared myself as I turned over to face him.

“That painting of yours the hummingbird one's is sold and the buyer was pretty much impressed by your work,”he paused to see if I was listening,“he wants to go to this gala with you were a lot businessmen are coming he would you like to get to know more of the art industry.”

“Are you kidding me I'm not going and I don't even know that guy.”

I said as I dropped his hands that were holding mine. He looked at me amusingly.

“Paris,it's an opportunity of a life time you can't just say no to it.”

“But,Marcus you have to understand.”

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