Charlie Knows (8)

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I woke up to banging on my door and I groaned, sitting up. "Who is it?"

"Why is your door locked, Sam?! Don't make me go through the window!" I stood up and unlocked the door by picking the lock. Charlie burst into the room and plopped herself onto my bed.

"The door was locked so my dad didn't get in last night. Dean made sure of it." She looked up at me curiously.

"You were out with Gabriel last night weren't you?"

"W-What?! How-"

"Chill out. He told me about it."

"Oh..." I sat down on my bed and hugged the large bear. "It was really nice. I got to meet two of his brothers and he wasn't wrong when he said that they were kind of crazy..." 

"That's all that happened?" I frowned.

"Uh... Well no, not exactly. I mean, we did a lot of stuff at the carnival, like after he ate a bunch of candy, he wanted to go on the fastest ride and afterwards he almost threw up. Then we went off to do other things- Why are you even asking? We just hung out." She raised her eyebrow.

"Yeah... Right..." I just looked at her confused. "Sam, don't act like I haven't figured it out already."

"Figured out what?" She smirked and moved so she was in my personal space, her face so close to mine I could see the brown surrounding her pupil. (a/n: I spent the last half hour trying to figure out Felicia's eye color and I noticed it kept changing from brown to green so I said, fuck it her eyes are hazel) "Uh... Personal space?"

"I know who you like." I smirked a bit.

"Are you really sure? Cause I know that you'll be 99.9% wr-"

"Gabriel." I froze mid sentence and I felt my face pale. She stood up and walked to my closet. "Hm... What should you wear today..."

"Th-That's- I don't- He's not-"

"You can't deny the Gay Sam. It swallows you whole and you can never run from it." She turned to face me. "It's painfully obvious though, to a girl who spends most of her life watching two friends being forced to be platonic friends by the stupid writers." She glares at the writers of both Sherlock and Supernatural like she's on the Office.

"Y-You can't tell him okay... I'm not even sure if he likes me in that sort of way... He probably thinks I'm straight and-" I stop in mid sentence when I heard a door slam across the hallway. "Closet, now." (a/n: ironic isn't it?) She backs into my closet while I quickly relock my door and making it look like I'm asleep.

Heavy footsteps.

My heart beats faster.

They stop.

The door knob jiggles a bit.

I hug the bear as tight as I can while squeezing my eyes shut.

A frustrated groan.

Fading footsteps.

I wait a few more moments before giving Charlie the okay. She stepped out of the closet and looked at me worriedly. "He hasn't... Has he?" I shook my head and she breathed a sigh of relief. "Remember, I know he's your father, but if he ever does that again, stab him. Preferably in his leg or arm, that way you don't kill him. I'm pretty sure Gabriel would voluntarily do that..."

"He told me the other day that if he lied one hand on me he would skin him." She smiled a bit.

"At least we know he seriously cares for you." I sighed.

"Charlie, promise me you won't tell him."

"Alright, I promise." She sat down on my bed and we began talking about meaningless teenager things.

~Few Days Later~

I was sitting in my Pre-Cal class next to Gabriel, tapping my pen on the side of my notebook, waiting for class to actually start when a brunette walked up to Gabriel and smiled sweetly. "Would you mind if I borrowed a pen? It's for a friend." Without looking up at her, I quickly responded.

"He doesn't carry pens or extra pencils." I could feel her piercing glare and I finally looked up at her.

"I wasn't talking to you." She turned back to Gabriel, all traces of disgust wiped from her face.

"Sorry, but he's actually right. I'm sure Alex has one, you could go ask her."

"Oh that's a shame..." She fake pouted and leaned down to whisper something in his ear. All I heard was an audible snap and something cold began seeping through my fingers. I looked down and saw that I had snapped the pen in half. I looked at my hand curiously. "The hell is wrong with you, freak." I slowly looked up at her and smiled sweetly.

"Oh nothing. I just thought of something revolting, skank." She gasped and opened her mouth to say something when the bell rang. She just glared at me.

"You'll eat your words freak!" She stalked off back to her seat and the teacher began the lesson after everyone settled down.

"Samantha, you okay there?" I nodded and wiped my hand on my paint stained pants. I got out a new pen and began writing down notes when suddenly I had a thought. She obviously wanted to get with him, but... If she can't come to school again it wouldn't be a problem now would it... I stopped writing and looked down at the inked numbers blankly. I would have to kill her. I need to kill her.

"Sam Winchester!" I quickly looked up at Mr. Morris. "Stop dosing off and pay attention."

"Yes sir." I continued writing but those words kept echoing in my head.

I need to kill her.
I need to kill her
I need to kill her
I need to kill.
I need to kill.
I need to kill.
I need to kill.
Kill her.
Kill her.
Kill her.
Make her bleed.
Make her bleed.
He is mine.
He. Is. Mine.

Oof sorry about the late update. Yesterday I seriously thought it was Saturday...

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