xviii. an old friend

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September 5th, 1978
Dress Emporium

I sighed as I twisted my engagement ring absentmindedly

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I sighed as I twisted my engagement ring absentmindedly. Today I had to get my wedding dress. I hated dress shopping even if it was for my own wedding.

The day after our engagement, we invited everyone over and made the announcement. Sirius, even though I'd told him not to, happily told them I was pregnant. James screeched louder than Marlene and Lily combined. Afterwards he started feeling my stomach and telling the baby to kick. Instead, I kicked him in the shin myself. We all laughed it off as the boys congratulated Sirius. Instantly, Marlene crowded me and scheduled a day to shop for "The Dress" which happens to be today. She forced Lily to come as well since her wedding was only two weeks after ours.

Marlene assigned herself as my wedding planner so I needn't hire one which led me to question if I was grateful or terrified. Mar checked us in for our appointment at what she claims and I quote to be, "the most fabulous wedding dress store in England."

Lily and I began scanning the racks to find "the one." Anxiety filled the pit of my stomach, making my morning sickness even worse. I chewed at my bottom lip gently as I continued to scan before pausing at a dress. I'd never cared much for dresses but I knew in my heart that this was the dress I wanted to get married in.

I tugged it off of the rack and quickly rushed into the changing room. I wanted Marlene and Lily to see it on me first.

"Do you need help, ma'am?" A soft, kind voice called on the other side of the door.

"Oh, uh- yes please." I answered as I opened the door for the woman. She was evidently young and wore little makeup. Her eyes were big and as green as a beautiful grass field. Her blonde hair flooded over her shoulder like a waterfall. Her skin was so pale, it was almost transparent. She wore a black pencil skirt and fitted top with a name tag that said "Circe."

She entered politely and helped me get into the dress. As I examined myself in the mirror, I'd never felt more beautiful. People always say that pregnant women have a "glow" about them and I'd never really seen it on myself, until now.

"You look so beautiful, Mrs. Black." Circe commented excitedly with her hands clasped in front of her. I smiled and muttered a thank you before exiting the dressing room. As I approached Lily and Marlene, Lily who was facing me gasped loudly. Marlene quickly spun around, her hand flying over her mouth the second her eyes landed out me. I could feel my cheeks becoming more heated.

"Gen, you are the most beautiful bride I think I've ever seen." Lily complimented, a genuine smile tugging at her lips. I bit my bottom lip gently.

"Wait until we see you, Lil." I retorted sweetly.

"There is no way you're trying on this other dress I had picked out. Gen... that one is perfect for you." Marlene said in awe. "Oh, wait!" She said suddenly as she ran to get something from the jewelry isle. As she came back I noticed she was holding a beautiful diamond necklace.

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