xxii. a son

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July 31st, 1980
Potter Home
Godric's Hollow, England

July 31st, 1980Potter HomeGodric's Hollow, England

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Screams echoed the halls of the Potter home.

Lily has been in labor for five hours now. Unlike me, Lily chose to have a natural birth at home with a midwife. I tried to warn her but when Lily makes up her mind, there's no changing it.

I pulled Hope closer to my chest. Her lips were in a natural pout that reminded me of her father who bore the same expression as he paced the room. His face was pensive and his stubble was now a full beard. His stormy grey eyes seemed anxious.

"Padfoot." I whispered, causing him to whip around to face me. "She'll be okay."

He sighed softly, a small smile tugging on his lips. He was worried. We all were. Voldemort has been steadily gaining numbers and the death toll has taken on a mass scale. We've all been preparing for the worst. Dumbledore has even started an army. The Order of The Phoenix. All of the marauders were in it.

Another scream vibrates through the small, two story home. I sucked in a sharp breath as Hope stirred from her sleep. Her eyes fluttered open, beautiful hazel eyes stared back at me. She was eighteen months old now. A smile tugged at the corners of my lips as her tiny hand wrapped around my index finger.

"Mommy." Hope whimpered as she heard Lily cry out.

"It's okay, birdie. Little Harry is coming. Are you excited to meet Harry!?"

Hope started jumping up and down in my lap while nodding her head excitedly, causing her curly locks to bob along.

In my eyes, she looks so much like Sirius but to him, she's an exact replica of me. So far, her personality aligns more with his.

Another cry resonated through the small home but it wasn't Lily. It was a baby's cry. A sweet little boy. My nephew.

I looked to Sirius, Peter, and Remus, excitement filling me. James ran down the stairs panting with the largest smile on his face I'd ever seen.

"It's Harry! His name is Harry James Potter." James panted. "I have a son." He whispered, tears welling in his eyes. My heart swelled for my twin, as if I could feel exactly what he felt.

"Can we see them?" I asked softly while holding onto Birdie's tiny fingers. James smiled and nodded before jogging up the steps.

I sent a smile to Remus, Peter, and Sirius, giving them a nod to follow. We all ascended the stairs slowly. We entered the master bedroom to find Lily with a bundle in her arms. Her face was pasty and her beautiful fire-like hair was tangled, and matted to her face. But her eyes, her stunning bright green eyes were still so full of life and love.

I rounded the bed, peering down at the clothed bundle in her arms. Harry's little lips were in a natural pout. He already had a full head of dark colored hair. He looked so much like James in the face. Except his eyes, they were just like Lily's. Full of life and love.

"He's perfect." I whispered, a soft smile tugging on my lips.

James looked up from Harry and smirked. "He got it from me."

"Doubtful, Prongs. Very doubtful."

"Yeah, mate. If he got his looks from you, we can only hope he got Lily's personality." Sirius added as he scooped up Birdie.

"Otherwise, we're boned." Remus finished as he smoothed back his shaggy hazelnut colored hair.

"Oh, bugger off." James chuckled as he bent down towards Harry.

"Down!" Little Bird demanded. Sirius chuckled, "Why, yes ma'am."

Once she her feet were planted on the ground, she ran towards the bed and stared at Harry. Lily tiredly looked over to her with a small smile on her puffy lips.

"This is your cousin, Birdie." Lily said softly. Hope's face lit up with a smile.

I felt an arm snake around my waist, knowing instantly it was Sirius.

"Want another one?" His deep voice whispered into my ear.

"I'm not sure. I think Little Bird already considers Harry her little brother." I whispered back starring at my daughter.

A silent exchange passed between Lily and James before they both looked to us.

"While you and Padfoot are already Harry's aunt and uncle, we'd also like the two of you to be his godparents."

I look to Sirius who merely smiled sheepishly. A giggle escaped my lips, "We accept the position happily."

Just like that, our world was made a little brighter.

Sorry for the long wait! I've started college and things are a little hectic but I have not forgotten my stories! This ones a little short but sweet.
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