The Only Exception - Spain

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A/n: I didn't stop I was just tired and now have double maths two days in a row.

&Let's Start&

€Narrators Pov€

     Daisy's and pansies, forget-me-nots'  and Ehrenpreis, they dotted around the wide opening in the forest. A pond puddled around the base of a tree, tadpoles poking their heads up out of the water to poke jest at onlooking birds, and newts circled the fallen branches. Fawn surrounded the dense shrubbery clinging to the trees, their ears flicking every which way, listening to anything there. Hare and rabbits lolloped around, basking in the late spring-early evening sun, kittens chased one another and bashed into larger rabbits. Trees cast shadows against the sharp-tipped green and orange grass spiking up between the shoots of flowers. The sun had just enough life left in it to stay for a few more hours, the last minute, everlasting orange-red glow cast upon the wild world. The pond was dashed with gold, flowers illuminated in a basking light, the inner ear of rabbits let through just a small amount of light and lit up pink in amongst the shrubs. A buck stood with his head held high, antlers almost glimmering in the evening mist of day.
     The Spaniard lay against the earth, his eyes shut and facing the dying rays of light, his hair tousled by the light breeze of the evening. The Spanish nights were always bittersweet, they were like ice with a hint of a warm spark of spice. The half-unbuttoned shirt hung open against his chest. The c/n sat still, his hair rumpled by the breeze too, eyes either staring off into the distance of watching the male next to him. Watching his nose scrunch up as the night drew colder, watching his chest lift up with every breath, watching his entire being relax. Focused.
     The hist was settling, only the gentle rustle of the plants around them interrupted. The Spanish males eyes slowly opened, his lips parting and letting out a sigh of content, nose pricked pink. Cheeks flush with the sudden, alerting drop in temperature. Quickly shifting his eyes from the other male, m/n regarded the late evening sky in the same way Antonio did, with an calm glint in his eye. Smiling in the faintest of ways, m/n glanced back at the man, ruffled hair swaying in the wind, before turning his attention toward the deer among the trees and shrubbery before anyone saw.
      Antonio fiddled with the grass beneath his fingertips, twirling and plucking it from its bed in the ground. His golden-brown eyes followed the other males look of wonder and innocence as he watched the wildlife grow. Flicking his eyes away for a moment, before wonderment got the best of him and he just had to glance back at the other male, a smirkish smile played upon his lips. The childish smirk planted on his face stuck, before he let out a small sight in relaxation, closing his eyes once more, and leaning back on his hunches.

"You Adonis,"

¿The End?

A/n: do you peoples like it, I hope so :)
See you soon

Also, who do you think said the last line? No answer is wrong because I honestly don't even know.

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