Black Coffee

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–coffee served straight from the carafe after brewing without adding anything to it to alter the flavor.


Cara tapped her foot and waited for her best friends. "Ugh, Ash, you and Finn are the worst. School starts in..." She paused to check her phone. "Fifteen minutes! And where are we? In the library or the gym?? Nooo, we're at STARBUCKS waiting for your COFFEE."

Finn sighed. "C, just get a hot chocolate or something. You know the sweetness will counteract your current saltiness."

Ashley snickered. "Just order it yourself Goldie. You know she never will, even though she loves it."

"Don't call me Goldie!!!!" Finn practically shouted, then he quieted down as everyone else in the crowded cafe stared at him. Now Cara quietly laughed; her mood has taken a complete 180.

"You're a blond, are an only child, and are incredibly picky. We're calling you Goldie. And you know what? I think I will order that hot chocolate." Finn pouted while Cara turned to order and saw the crowd. She shrunk back into her corner. "Actually, Finn, will you go get me it?"

Finn agreed. "Okay, but only because you're so freakishly shy. Seriously, it's weird."

"Yeah, Finn's actually right, Cara. You're a completely different person when it's only us. If anyone else shows up, you hide in your tower."

Finn came back with all of their drinks. "My ladies, you have been served."

Ashley bowed. "Thank you, my kind and noble sir."

Cara read and then reread what was written on her cup. She scowled and muttered things under her breath.

Ashley noticed. "Well, we all have our drinks, let's go!"

Once they were outside, Finn turned towards Cara. "Well, what has your feathers ruffled?"

Cara passed him the cup.

Cara, don't underestimate your beauty

"So you're insulted because someone complimented you?" questioned Ashley.

"No," Cara said. "I'm insulted because they lied to compliment me."

Finn shrugged. "That's fair."

"Finn!! You don't tell a girl they're ugly!" scolded Ashley.

"I never said she was ugly! I said that her reasoning made sense!" defended Finn.

"Calm down, Ash. You know Finn didn't mean it in a bad way. Now, come on, we have to get to school."

As they arrive at their school, Finn held out Cara's hot chocolate. "Come on, we have to get to get to our class."

Cara kissed his cheek and took the hot chocolate. "Thanks Finn."

Right before she enters the classroom, Ashley muttered, "And this is why half the school thinks you two are dating."


Sooo, what do you think??

I personally really like this story so far.  It's fun to write. Please let me know if you liked it!

Anyway, thanks for clicking on this and reading it! Comment, vote, read!


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