Chapter 12

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If you are too young or don't want to read sexual, abusive things please skip to the next chapter! It will still make sense (I will try my best!)

xxx p.s remember to comment and vote :)


*Harry's POV*

I rang Louis straight away. The phone rang twice until he picked up.

"Louis! Louis, I think I have a clue" I said quickly.

"Are you ok Harry?" He screamed down the phone.

"Yeah, come pick me up. I will explain everything later." I told Louis where I was and he took me back to the hotel.

"So, did you find anything?" Liam asked once we got back.

"Uhh, yeah. I saw these 4 girls carrying bags. They were wearing black. They were saying stuff like 'Did you see her face when I held up the crow bar.' and 'she is such a dork.' Then one girl was saying that she, the person their talking about, stole me, 'Hazza' away from her and she, the person they were talking about, left Josh behind. Who must be her ex." I explained.

"Hey, I remember me and Orla once talked about our relationships and she said something about a Josh, but she briskly changed the subject. Maybe it was her they were talking about." Louis said.

"Do you think she has been kidnapped by those girls and her ex?" Liam asked.

"She could be getting hurt! We have to find her!" I cried.

"Harry, it's night. Get some sleep then we will start looking tommorow and tell the police what we have found out. The police said they were on the case." Liam said, trying to be calm.

He shooed everyone to their rooms and I soon fell into a dreamless sleep.

*Orla's POV*

I woke up to find myself still chained up. It must be early morning. I studied the room.

There was 2 doors. The door that the girls came through and another. I wonder where that door leads too. I wonder which building I am in.

The 2nd, un-used door had a small window at the top. I sat up as much as I could, ignoring the stinging pain in my belly. I peeked through the window and saw the sky, obviously. Duhh, Orla!

It looked like I was in a building which was really tall. I must be in the highest room which led to the roof or something. I lied back down, exhausted from the effort of sitting up.

I heard a lock unlocking and saw the person I least wanted to see.


He was followed by someone. He was muscular and around my and Josh's age.

"Hey Ryan, this is our new fuck buddy!" Josh spat. He let out a sickly laugh.

"Who are you?" I said glaring at him.

"No need to worry! Hey do you want to go first or me?" He asked Josh.

"Hmmm, you can go first" He said handing Ryan an object. Ryan smirked.

He got his object, it was a knife. He unzipped Harry's jumper and pulled it off. He then proceeded to cut my top open. He didn't care if he cut my skin aswell as my top. I let out a yelp. He soon ripped my top of and came to my trouser and slowly unbuttoned my trousers. He ripped then off. He came closer to me as I squirmed. "Stay still, otherwise I will make this more enjoyable for me!" He said cackling. He ripped of my bra and took of my knickers. He laid down ontop of me. He quickly took of his clothes. He was completely naked and laid down ontop of me.

He kissed me and forced his tongue in my mouth. I squirmed and moved my head to the side to make it more difficult for him to kiss me.

"Want to play this game do we?" He asked laughing. He got the knife and stuck it into my stomach and ripped. He pulled the knife down to slice me. He made another cut on my belly and asked, "Going to stay still now?" I said no and he slapped me. He proceeded what he carried on before and stuck himself inside of me. At least he had the decency to use a condom. I should class myself lucky.

He kept on raping me. He soon got bored so he moved on. He then picked up the knife and made cuts in my arms. He did a cut on my wrist and did more cuts all the way up my arms. He did the same to the other arms. He looked at me satisfied and put his clothes back on.

"You done Ryan?" Josh asked.

"Yep," he said popping the 'p.' "She is very fiesty but fun!" He said with a wink, "enjoy!" He put his clothes back on and left the room.

I tried to hide the pain. I did not want to satisfy Josh.

"Well, well well. Miss Orla Wintfield trying to look all brave. Won't be brave for long!" He reached for his bag and took out a bottle of alcohol. He undid it and poured it onto my belly where there were fresh cuts.

I cried out in pain, but swallowed. Tears were streaming down my face. I couldn't let him win. He then poured alcohol down my arms, making them sting and I screamed. He laughed.

"Not so brave now are we?" He asked. He punched me in the face and continued to punch me all over. I was really bruised and I could barley move.

"I think I am done for today. Put this on." He said handing me my jumper and trousers. My top was ripped so I couldn't wear it.

"How can I put it on if I am chained up?" I asked weakly. He laughed.

"I will put it on for you!" He said smirking. He climbed ontop of me (clothed thankfully) and nibbled at my neck. This sick feeling went through me. I could just throw up right this second. He continued to kiss me but then shoved the jumper and trousers on best he could. "Shouldn't let the girls see you naked now should I? See you later babe!" He called, then laughed at me and left the room, swinging some keys around his fingers.

*Louis' POV*

"And our last question is directed to Harry. Harry, what did you see and hear last night? Give us all the details so we might have an extra clue." The policeman asked.

Harry explained everything, holding back his tears. We were all questioned about Orla and the policemen are just about to leave our hotel.

"It was good talking to you. Hopefully we will come back with more information about Orla soon. You will be the first people to know." They policemen stood up and shook our hands and left.

"I can't just sit here. I need to go out and find her." Harry said, standing up.

"Harry, as much as we all want to do that. The policemen are there for a reason, they are searching for her. That is the most we can do. Just don't get involved." Niall said calmly.

"HOW CAN I NOT GET INVOLVED WHEN THE LOVE OF MY LIFE, FOR ALL I KNOW COULD BE GETTING MURDERED?" Harry screamed. He then broke down into tears and fell to his knees. "I'm sorry Niall, it's just that I love her too much." Harry apologized. I totally understand Harry's point of view. I mean if Eleanor was kidnapped, I would want to be out there searching.

"Harry mate, it's going to be ok." Zayn said rubbing his back.

"Lets just watch some TV" I said, turning the TV on.

"We have breaking news. Orla Wintfield has been kidnapped. She was girlfriend to Harry Styles. Harry flinched and I quickly turned the TV off.

It's just everywhere, we have to do something, fast.




DDUUMMMMMMMMMMMM (*le dramatic song*)

What do you think is going to happen? Comment pleaseee :) xx


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