Chapter 5:

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I flickered my gaze over to him. He was staring at me with a flirty smirk.

It's not worth it Casey. You're not gonna end up like before. C'mon keep your head held high and ignore it.

I told myself. It's been two weeks since he dropped me off to my house and since then he's been trying to catch my attention.

When the bell finally rung I stuffed my English book into my bag and pushed in my seat.

He approached me as I did so and I stood there looking up at him with my arms crossed over my chest and a straight line formed onto my face by my mouth.

"What?" I asked sounding a bit irritated. He flinched at the sound of my voice and then quickly recovered his action with half a smile.

Concern was now written all over his eyes.

"I wanted to hang out with you today. But I really didn't know it was illegal to talk to you Diamond. Any who you clearly need some space so I'll catch ya later" he said before walking off. I held back my words and bit my lip.

When he exited the classroom I walked over to my locker. I twisted around the lock and then finally opened it, placing my books inside of it.

When lunch came all I could do is watch the tears fall out of Cody's eyes which were now red and a bit puffy. His face seemed angry but still hurt. Jake was with Kim for now which was pretty awkward for me to be here.

Me and Cody never really talked so if I'd known why Jake had told me to choose from an even or an odd number I would've gone for an even one.

Anyways here I was doing my best to try to comfort Cody who wouldn't talk to me at all. Trying to break the awkward ice around us I finally managed to speak.

"She said it was just a break Cody. Give her some time that's really all she's asking for" I said putting my hand onto his shoulder for support. He let out a fake laugh with anger and tears still visible in his glistening emerald green eyes.

"She needs a break? A break UP, Casey. That's how it always goes. That's why life is so unfair and cruel because it tricks you into giving someone all your love until finally you can't seem to love anything or anyone else" his tears began to stream down his cheeks again.

Suddenly something weird happened. He pulled me in for a hug and hid his face in my shoulder. My eyes widened because it was both unusual and it felt wrong.

Cody was vulnerable right now and I didn't want him to start developing some false feelings for me. I closed my eyes shut and patted his back. I know it felt wrong, but he was still my friend and I was gonna support him and Kim no matter what.

Soon afterwards the bell rung causing him to release his grip on me. Gym class must be interesting today. We walked over to the locker rooms and headed off different ways.

"DODGEEEEEE BAAAAALLLLL!!!!!" yelled Coach Gerald with enthusiasm.

"Cooper and Alvarado, you're captains. NOW CHOOSEEE YOUR TEAMS AND LET. THE. GAME. BEGIN!!!!!" he laughed. In all honesty he was pretty cool at times but this, this right now is what scares me.

I was in Jonathan's team along with Kim. Jake and Cody were stuck in Adam's team.

When the coach blew the whistle I looked over at Jake who grabbed a ball and threw it at me. It missed me by a few inches causing me to gasp. His laughter made me smile and furrow my brows.

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