Chapter 1~Bettys POV

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My day was going horrible I had just gotten into a fight with my so called friend Veronica Lodge she kept complaining how I get to flirty with my friend Archie, who so happens to be her boyfriend. She kept yelling and saying I was acting like a whore and that I need to stay away from him so I slapped that smug bitches face in the cafeteria and principal weatherbee said that had gotten into one to many fights this year which would be six in counting including Ethal muggs, Josie Mcoy, midge clump, Cheryl Blossom on two occasions and Ive slapped Reggie mantale more then once but only one time was I cought for it . So he expelled me and you can only guess how mad my mom was but I didn't care because she had controlled my life enough. And I was so sick and tired of of her and ever since the whole thing with my dad and Polly and chick I just couldn't take it any more and I snapped and my good girl days were over.

Anyways while I was at the principals office he gave me a form to sign up for southside high and I was happy to get out of the hell hole that is Riverdale high. So my mom picked me up and brought me home and I got the same speech I get every time I fuck up and once she was done she signed the paperwork and said I would be starting school on Monday (today is Thursday)

~time skip (Monday)

I awoke to the sound of the horrible ringing of my alarm and got up with a groan the time was 7:00 on the dot and school started at 8:00 and it took like 20 minutes to get there even by car. So I got up and put a black crop top with some shorts and I paired it with red lipstick, gold hoop earrings, and black vans and of course my black back pack with my hair down in curls.

(What she was wearing^^)

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(What she was wearing^^)

And I was off  in my car to Southside high.

As I got out of my car I got whistles and comments from boys whom I ignored because I wasnt in the mood for horny teenaged boys. As I walked in a girl with pink hair and a cool snake jacket walked up which I'm pretty sure meant she was a part of the gang called the Southside serpents which I was intrigued by she told me she was my tour guide and said her name was Toni topaz and that she had to show me around

"Hey my names Toni and I'm supposed to show you around what's your name?"

"Elisabeth cooper but people call me Betty"
I said with a smile

"So you've gotten a lot of attention by a lot of people today and it's not even first period yet"
She said with a laugh

"Ya I guess  but I'm not looking for a relationship right now"

"Oh believe me their not either their looking for a one night stand and a baby momma"

"That's comforting" I said with a laugh

"So on a different note what do you have first period I can take you there"

"I have science 1, what about you?"

"Same! Let's head there."

I was so glad to have met someone who seemed somewhat decent so far. We got to the science lab and sat down towards the back  and I hear whistles yet again and then the most hottest person I have ever seen in my life walked in he had muscular arms and dark hair with a crown beanie and the most beautiful green eyes he was almost to perfect to look at. He gave me a smirk and walked past me and sat directly behind me and for the whole period I felt him staring at my every move until just before the bell rang he got up and walked out I had no idea who he was but I wanted every class so far is with him and in every one of my classes except for the one right before lunch which was fourth. Toni and I hadn't had any classes to get her except for first and third in which she told me to meet up so we can sit together at lunch I agreed so now it's right before lunch and I was waiting for her at her locker which she had given me the number earlier and some guy walked up to me and said his name was fangs

"Hey your new here right?"

"Ya what do you want"

"Well I'm friends with someone who wants to know about you"

"What about me"
I said more intrigued by the situation

"Well he wants to know if you have a boyfriend"

"And who exactly is asking?"

"I can't tell you he would kill me if I said anything"

"Well I'm not telling you anything if he wants to know so bad tell him to ask me himself"

"Ok but he's not gonna like this"

"To bad"
I said and he walked away

I was getting bored of waiting so I decided to just went to the cafeteria by myself and while I was walking some spineless shit head walked up behind me and grabbed my ass I was furious I turned around and saw a tall guy with brown greecy hair that went to his shoulders with a thin build and an ugly smug look on his face

"Hey blondie as he grabbed my waist"

"Get your slimy sapphic hands off my body!"
I said as I slapped him

"Woah woah there missy I just wanna have some fun"

"Don't even think about it!"
I said angrily as he started to wrap his hands around my waist again, he may been thin but he was still stronger than me.

"I said get off!"
And just as I said that the guy from earlier who was crazy hot, pulled him off me turned him around and punched him repeatedly and said "get the fuck out of here before I kill you" and he said it in a way that I believed he would kill him and I found it so attractive it was almost painful.

"What the fuck jughead!?"
He screamed
"I just wanted some fun!"

"Get the fuck away from her, she's mine!"
As soon as he said that it sent chills down my spine and the slimy freak from before got up and limped away as fast as he could with a very scared look on his face...

Hey people so this is my second story my first one is called my beloved and you should really go check it out if you haven't already if your still waiting for an update on it I'm sorry about the wait I update slow on that book and the chapters are short but this story I've actually planned and I know exactly where the plot is going and I plan on updating once a day since schools out for the summer HOPE YOU ENJOY;)

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