Chapter 1

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Hello my Bluies, I started writing this book awhile ago, it's another Smosh fanfic. Please write in comments any miss haps or just what you like; I still haven't gotten my glasses, so I'll do as much as I can. BEWARE NOW THE STORY!!!!!!


I never thought it would get this far. Ian and I were siblings. Siblings. But I guess that you want to know what I'm talking about; I'll start from the beginning.

Chapter 1 Sky POV

-fiveteen years earlier-

Shattering. Crackles. Blazing. That's all I saw when my brother rushed me out of the barn. But I didn't feel the pain of the fire, he fell over, and I yell,

"Ian! Stay with me!" I yell, and I pick his hand up, and the fire try's to take us under, but it just took me. I threw him outside before the door collapsed on me, but I didn't make it. Or so I thought. That was a week ago I think, but now I'm still barely breathing, and he's staying longer to protect me.

"Sky come on!" He whispers, holding my hand, then I feel all the body heat be sucked out of me. My heartbeat drops, and I take off the mask, and I can finally breath, "Sky you need to stay in bed!" Ian instructs, but I got angry. Very angry.

"No. I'm ok!" I yell he backing away,

"Fire has arrived." He mutters before he runs out of the room, but I couldn't control myself I threw a glass at the floor, and a nurse comes in, but then leaves screaming. I looked at my arm, and saw that I had a dark red dress on, and then I stalked out of hospital, and I then go normal but then open my eyes, just a dream. I was in the hospital, but the supernatural stuff was not real,

"Sky are you ok?" Ian asks me, and I look at him,

"Not really," I shyly say, and tilts his head,

"Why?" He asks, and I think about telling the truth,

"Nothing." He leaves me.

-Present day-

I walk to my job like always, since I'm to poor to get a car. I walk into the strip club, it being close to nine.

"Hello my star!" My manager Kristen yells, hugging me, but then hands me my uniform; a skimpy blue half cut shirt, black undies, and black hooker boots.

"Kristen why do I have to wear this?" I ask painfully, and she sighs,

"This is your job Sky, you've been here for two years, and never lost your v-card. That's impressive." She says, but then I go to the bathroom to change and I see my coworker Mackenzie in her pink stripper uniform putting her bleach blonde hair into a high ponytail.

"Hi bitch, another day, another sex. Wait not you!" She taunts, and I stick my tongue at her, I've never had sex, even being a stripper. I look at my long dark blue hair, my blue eyes, and my poor clothing. I always have been a saver, not a buyer. I still change into it, one day I'll leave and do my dream.

Mari POV

I look at my best friend, she looked nervous at going to her first club.

"Are you ready Libby?" I ask the soon to be married bride,

"I guess. What if I cheat on Mike? What if he cheats on me?" She asks, but then Kalel pats her back,

"You'll be fine Lib." She assures and we walk in,

"Four, under the name of Hendrickson." She says, and we go to a four seater, and a waitress is waiting,

"Hello my name is Sky, what would you like to drink?" She asks, pulling a notepad out,

"Pinta Colada margarita." Kalel says,

"Strawberry daiquiri." Libby says, while Melanie and I say our sodas since I don't drink and Melanie was trying to be sober.


After about three minutes of our waitress giving that old man a lap dance I interfere,

"Sky you have a long life, don't mess up here!" I yell at her, and she seems relieved, and runs to the bathroom. After about five minutes I walk to the bathroom, and I see Sky in the corner, crying her eyes out,

"Are you ok?" I ask and she looks at me, she reminds me of someone, but I can't pinpoint it; but I get a good look at her in the regular lighting; dark blue hair, blue eyes, looks innocent.

"What am I doing with my life! I never was taught to do this, Ian would be so disappointed." She says, looking at me,

"Who's Ian?" I ask and she stands up,

"He's my older brother, I haven't seen him since he and my mom moved when I was ten." She then cries,

"I'm sorry, why do this if you feel violated?" I ask and she shrugs.

"My life has been messed since my dad won the rights to take of me." She says, but then smiles, "You know what, I'm going to quit my job and pursue my real job, being a actor." She says, and I laugh,

"I could help you with that, you see my friends who I work with do videos and are looking for a girl for another show." She then lights up,

"Really? That would be awesome! How about I quit and come by your table and get there number?" She asks, and I nod, and she runs out.


I've tried to convince myself so many times, but now I'm ready. I walk to Kristen, and she looks at me,

"Hi Sky, what do you need?" She asks, and I smirk,

"I'm quitting. I'm ready to go." I say and she nods, getting where I'm from,

"Ok, well collect your things and get out." She says, and I nod. I walk to my locker and then change my outfit to my capris and blouse. I then see Mari and her table,

"Thank you so much Mari! Can I have your number too?" I ask her, and she nods, taking a piece of paper and writing two numbers on it, "I need to go, before she comes." I say, speed walking to my run down apartment. You may think, she was a stripper you get a lot of money! But since I refused to lose my virginity, they never give me that much money. I pull out my ok cell phone and type in the numbers, and text Mari:

Sky: This is Sky Mari.

Almost immediately she answers:

Mari: Great, I'll give your number to my friend, you might want to look them up, there called Smosh.

I text her thanks and look them up on YouTube, I watch two or three when Eli walks through,

"Hey Sky, what are you doing home?" He asks and I smile,

"I quit my job, I already have a number for acting, I'm watching there videos." I say and he groans,

"Sky that was the only way we could support this apartment, can you get another job?" He asks and I nod,

"I've looking at this job at GameStop." I say and he nods,

"Well love you." He says, kissing my forehead; we started dating in high school, and we left Florida to get out of the way of my father who abused me. So my real name is Skylar Raven Hecox but I changed it to Rester, I originally have light brown hair, and I have natural blue innocent eyes, which people think they can get in pants, well they're wrong. I have stood up many times, which is my hardheadedness is a very big trait in my family. We just hope our cover stays up until my father gives up.


There y'all go! This book is very near to me so I hoe it can be for you


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