One kiss

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Calliope sighed while she was heading towards the elevator, it had been a long day and she had just preformed an 11 hour long surgery on a old man who had fell down the stairs in his house, he had broken both of his arms and his jaw and 3 ribs, he was lucky that one of the ribs hadn't punctured one of his longs or his heart. It was aching in every part of her body and she was exhausted, her daughter, Sofia was waiting for her at daycare and it was already 18:00 pm. The daycare was closing at any minute. As she saw the elevator doors open in front of her she hurried into the elevator. It wasn't a lot of people in there just a male nurse called Steven, who was stepping out of the elevator in the exact same moment as Callie was stepping on it, and then a woman, a sexy one to, blonde, short cut curly hair, eyes blue as the sky, and the most adorable dimples when she smiled,as she did when Callie came walking into the elevator. All of a sudden Callie's outfit seemed awfully unpleasant and certainly not sexy at all, in front of the beautiful woman. Her dark blue scrubs and her old, used up jogging shoes with blood splatter on them. But she smiled back to the pretty lady with the dimples and tried to look as hot as possible. She asked herself, should I talk to her? And the answer became, with a little battle inside, a yes. Calliope had been single for to long, ever since Erica Hahn, and that didn't end well, she had only just discovered her true love for women, it was hard to find a hot lesbian woman. But there she was a hot blonde, and her smile said something different then the usual smile who always seemed to say "hey I'm straight!" It was something mysterious and so, so very sexy about this woman.

She opened her mouth and said "hey."

The other woman smiled so her dimples digged even deeper into her cheeks. "Hi" she said.

"I'm Calliope Torres, ortho surgeon." Callie introduced herself.

"Arizona Robbins, peds." The woman answered.

Arizona Robbins, Callie thought, a sexy name.

But she replayed politely with a nod and then inspected the peds surgeon a bit closer.

Her hair just touched her shoulders briefly and she was wearing a black cardigan, a green shirt and a pair of casual blue jeans, her black and pink jogging shoes looked brand new and a black leather bag hanged casually on her left shoulder. Callie immediately wanted to dig deeper about this hot peds surgeon. So she did.

"How has your day been going so far?" Calliope asked, she wanted to move slow so it didn't seem like she was pushing it to much.

"Pretty good, I just came out of a surgery on a 10-year old little boy with a tumor in his brain, he's now in recovery with his family." Arizona replayed, she seemed to enjoy the conversation and she seemed extremely confident.

"Aa, good for you, and that little boy of course!"Callie said.

As she got deeper into the conversation. She was more and more convinced that she had met another lesbian. Arizona was both hot, kind and bright. And since the worked at the same hospital they'd probably meet each other a lot. Witch of course was another bonus. But the elevator ride ended just a few minutes later when they arrived to the bottom floor, Arizona walked out first after saying good bye an then Callie headed out and went of to the daycare. When she arrived it was already closed but a younger woman sat outside of the closed door with 4 little children and one of the children was Sofia, who, as soon as she saw her mother, jumped up from where she was sitting and ran forward to Callie. Callie accepted her daughter with open arms and gave her a big fat hug. Then she let go just to have a quick word with the young woman who worked at the daycare. Callie squinted to see the name tag on the woman's chest. At the end she saw that the tag said 'Stacey', she thanked Stacey for keeping an eye on Sofia and excused herself for being so late. Sofia looked just like her dead father, George O'malley who died jumping in front of a bus saving another persons life. Callie still missed him even if she no longer was interested in men, George had really been something extra. When she looked down at Sofia it was like she looked down at a female mini-version of George. The brown hair with the curls, the blue, friendly eyes and the small, well shaped lips. She picked up Sofia and the pink diaper bag with ducks on it that was laying on the floor right next to where Sofia had been sitting. When she came out to the parking lot, the rain was just poring down and the grey clouds up in the sky seemed to never end. But it was casual wheatear for Seattle. She walked over to her black BMW and quickly opened the car door to the backseat put Sofia in her pink car seat and fastend the seatbelt. She closed the door and turned around to walk around the car to the driver seat. When she turned around and started walking forward, she almost bumped straight into no one else but Arizona Robbins.

"I thought I saw you over here!" She said with a smile so wide so it looked like her cute dimples where about to eat up here cheeks.

"Yeah, well here I am!" Callie said with a laugh.

All of a sudden she got really nervous and started feeling the butterflies flying around in her stomach.

"Yeh, I can see that. So.. Who was the cute little miss that you just put in your car?'' Arizona asked and laughed a little.

"Oh! That was my daughter, Sofia." Callie replayed, not sure what Arizona was going to think about that.

"You got a daughter?" She asked, she didn't show any special emotions about it in her face or in her voice, it all just sounded so plain and perfect and completely without any type of feelings.

Callie sighed loudly inside. It was up to her to ask Arizona what she thought about Callie having a daughter.

"Yeh, I do. Is that good or bad?" She slowly asked and forced herself not to sound to hopeful for the answer to be good.

Arizona looked in, through the car doors window, in at Sofia, then she smiled and said "it's not a bad thing."

Callie shined up like a sun inside but was careful not to show it on the outside. But she was really happy about it! It was exactly what she wanted to hear and it was exactly what she got to hear! Arizona laughed and said " you don't have to act like you don't care."

"What do you mean?" Callie asked and covered up as much of her feelings as possible.

"I mean, I know you wanted me to think it's good and technically I did so your happy but your what? Afraid of showing it to me, afraid of seeming desperate?" Arizona said with a firm voice.

Callie felt trapped, Arizona was totally right about everything she had said but Callie couldn't tell her that! They had just met and you don't just throw yourself all over a person you just met, right? So Callie was very delicate with the entire situation and carefully thought through every single little word she was about to say. Then she spoke, " your right, I didn't wanna seem to desperate, I still don't but you've pretty much already figured out it all so I guess I don't have much of a choice when it comes to that. So your right, I didn't wanna seem to desperate and I would if I had been showing my joy and acted like it meant that much to me if you liked the fact that I got a daughter!" Callie said with a twisted voice, she was letting her emotions ship over and she knew it. She quickly took a deep breathe and inspected Arizona's facial expression. She looked surprised even a bit trapped, just like Callie had felt before, but mostly, she just looked relief and glad. She trowed her hair backwards, behind her shoulders so it didn't stick like glue to her heated up cheeks.

"I was hoping you'd say something like that, she said and smiled.

Then she slowly leaned forward, Callie immediately realized what she was doing and just went with it. And then there lips met in a passionated kiss in the middle.

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