『Chapter 5』

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Hey guys, I know... It's been a while since an update on this story. Sorry about that. Truth be told, it's always hard for me to get into a story I've just started since I'm still trying to understand how I want to write the story and its characters... There's still a lot of plotting I need to do, but don't worry, I'll try to get out a chapter as soon as I can.

Hope you guys enjoy the chapter.


Looking through the window of the pure black royal vehicle, Hela gazes upon the trees she passes by, which were beginning to look more like paint brush strokes with the vehicle's speed. Nevertheless, she showed a newfound appreciation to the common plant life. Being in Agrabah for about nine months, Hela never thought she would grow to love the environment she grew up on. Agrabah is beautiful in its own way, but home will always hold a special place in Hela's heart.

She smiles at the passing landscape, though she knows a response won't be returned. The fresh crisp air coming from the forestry will be welcome enough. Hela rests back onto the leather seats, and when her back touches the leather seats, the SUV jumps, causing the passengers to move along with it, as its wheels hit a pothole along the road.

Though, none of the passengers seem to mind the hiccup.

In turn, Hela clutches to her purse tighter, not that she cares about the object itself but to control her growing, unnerving anticipation. To be honest, she despises the accessory; she would've preferred a backpack like Ben's but the royal stylists opted to give Hela a more "princess" attire on her first day back at Auradon Prep. As they said, Hela was making her grand entrance back into Auradon; she must look her best.

Which it explains why her hair was polished into neat curls, her clean make-up packed on more than usual, and her attire almost mimicking Ben's royal blue suit. The both of them wore matching blue blazers, with Hela's fitting more around her waist. Where Ben has a yellow button up shirt underneath the jacket and matching blue trousers, Hela was given a blue-to-yellow ombre, princess-seam dress. Finally, while Ben had black loafers and a silver watch, Hela was forced to wear lace booties, silver earrings and necklace, and the drab purse.

None of the style choices were Ben nor Hela's, but they couldn't exactly say no to Belle. The two teenagers know each other's styles better than anyone, but they understand that they have visuals to uphold. The only fear Hela has is if whether or not she'll eat it in the courtyard because of her heels.

Still, Hela continues to pick at her clothes.

Ben, on the other hand, looks to his phone, endlessly typing away at the keyboard on the screen.

Finally choosing to ignore her attire, Hela turns to Ben. "Do you think the Isle kids will like me?" she asks out of the blue.

Ben immediately breaks from the phone to glance at his friend. "Of course they'll like you, Hela," he assures, a gleaming smile adding to his features. "You have the same spunk that they do. You guys will get along just fine."

She frowns and her brows furrow as she looks down, unsure. "I don't know..." With her nails, Hela taps at the buttons on her blazer. "They seem pretty bad to the bone- not in those literal terms! It's just- they're so cool and tough, and... I'm not." She purses her lips. "Maybe I'm not good enough to hang with their crowd."

"Are you kidding?" Ben chuckles. "If I, of all people, was able to be a part of their group even when they were still called "Villain Kids", then I'm sure that you have a 100% at making friends with all of them."

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