Chapter One

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My name is Lily. I am a regular werewolf. I have long dark red hair that falls in waves over my shoulders. I have pale skin with a few freckles across the bridge of my nose. My eyes are big and a piercing blue that makes them seem to pop. I have a slim build but not totally without curves. Sometimes this helps to my advantage though. Not everybody realizes that while I am small at 5.1 ft, I am not weak by any stretch.

"Miss Harrison. What is the answer to question number 24?" calls out Mr Whiting in his horrible whining voice startling me from my daydreaming. No wonder he is always single with his whining voice that is even worse than a child's when he wants some more candy. He is also 52 and so incredibly unattractive he is disgustingly ugly. How he wound up in teaching is a wonder to me.

"Ali! Are you going to answer the Question?" He whines again. Shaking my from another stream of thought.

"37.9805" I say my voice barely more than a whisper as I yawn, quickly slipping my calculator out of sight.

"Correct Miss Harrison. Stop daydreaming." He went back to speaking to the class about something in maths.

Usually I am a good girl but next week is my 18th Birthday! I can't wait to meet my wolf. I hope she is pretty. Maybe a dark brown. Then again dark brown is common. But I personally don't think steel gray wolves are that nice to look at.


Stupid bell. I grab my bag with my maths book already in it as I didn't bother to even take it out. I walk to the cafeteria, dreaming about my new wolf. Suddenly I bump into a very tall werewolf.

"Watch where you walk B!tch!"

"Sorry Logan won't happen again." I mumbled looking down.

"That is no way to talk to your future Beta!" Said a girl latched to his side that I didn't notice before. Barbie blonde hair and clothes so tight it is a wonder how she breathes. And chewing gum. Why are those sort of girls always chewing Gum? It's not a nice look.

"Sorry future beta." I said with my signature smirk.

"Mind your tongue omega." He said then shoved me out the way as he walked past. Gosh. Some people can be so arrogant.

"Always in a daydream aren't you. Head in the clouds. Must be nice."

"Hi Jay. Are you always sneaking Around?"

Jay is the future Alpha. Unlike Logan, he doesn't care for formalities and has always been nice to me. He has tan skin with dark brown hair that is a mess but always looks amazing. His blue eyes have a sparkle in them like he is laughing at a joke only he can hear. He is 6.3 and very muscular.

"Something like that." He smiled.

"See you around then."

I walk to the cafeteria. Again. This time actually making it without any more interruptions.

Two hands yank me back suddenly.


Of course. It's always going to be Ali. She has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. She is so crazy. It's like she has got infinite energy and infinite levels of crazy. She is a bit taller than me at 5.3 ft with long brown hair. Her green eyes are alight with energy and a smile seems to be permanently glued to her face. She has a few freckles and tanned skin.

"I tried to hold her back but you know how impossible that is."

Beside her is my other friend Jacob. He is 6.1 ft and muscular. He has blonde hair that is an able to be tamed and is constantly dangling over his brown eyes. I find it annoying. It's like how can you See?

"I know. I stopped trying many years ago. She will never be tamed."

Jacob laughed. Several girls behind him were watching him intently.

"Do you see something you Like?" He said winking once he notice what I was looking at. All the girls talk about how cute he is and I just tell them to shut up. I guess he is cute but to me he is just my friend. Nothing more.

"Earth to Jacob." I say clicking my fingers in front of his face trying to get back his attention.

"Don't even try to get him to focus. He is just as incapable to listen as he is to fight. As bad as a baby.

Next thing I know, Jacob spun around and held over his shoulder.

"Take that back right now or I will throw you in the pool."

"I will do no such Thing!" Ali said her face going bright red. Her stubbornness is going to get her in trouble.

Jacob started walking to the door that led outside, me trailing behind them laughing quietly. Ali was punching his back and kicking him, demanding that he let her go. Jacob just kept walking. Once we got to the pool he pulled her off his shoulder and into his arms.

"Your last chance." He said smiling. He knew as well as I that she was not going to give in. She just looked away with her chin in the air.

"So be it" He said then threw her in the pool.

She let loose a squeal before she hit the water then came up floundering. She gave us a murderous look as we were piddling ourselves laughing.

"I will kill both of You!" She screamed at us then swam to the edge of the pool.

"Oops. Let's run. You know she will keep her promises." I said to Jacob barely making it out through my laughter. We turn to run as she gets out of the pool. We don't get far before she catches us. She jumos on Jacobs back she tries to strangle him. He grabs her hands and manages to pry them off his neck and pull her off his back. He holds her in front of him. He looks at her a large smile still on her face.

"I'm not all all sorry about what I did but if it will stop you from strangling me again in my sleep, I will say it. I'm sorry."

"I know that is the closest thing that will come out of your mouth to an apology. So I accept your apology. Now. Lily you are going to drive me back to my house quickly so I can get changed." As she says that last part she looks at me still laughing. I can help it. She looks like a drowned rat.

"Stop laughing or I won't give you your birthday present."

As quickly as I can I stop laughing and smile at her.

"Come on madame. I will drive you home so that you can get changed." I say holding my hand out as to escort her.

"Thank you." She says and shoves her nose into the air as she walks right past me to my car.

"You know that she will still find some way to get you back Right?" I say as soon as she is out of hearing.

"Yeah. She wouldn't be Ali otherwise."

" I guess I better be going before the madame strangles me as well."

"Bye then. See you at the pack party tonight." He says walking off.

Better drive little miss drama queen home so that she can change her outfit. I think to myself a smile working it's way back onto my face.

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