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//Dedicated to Nghi for giving me a right laugh. Jon Snow is mine and she's going to come to the wedding with a deceased Robb Stark <3//




Shar took a step back, his long arms snaking around my waist slowly. The touch was so basic but it still warmed the whole area he managed to touch. "Your girl?" Shar questioned, watching Jon with hard eyes. Shar knew everything about Jon and how he basically stumped all over me.

Jon took a step inside, my room instantly turning crowed by the presence of Jon's long body and his angry vibe. I couldn't recall the last time Jon stepped inside my room and I felt alienated by his presence right now. So bizarre when I practically used to live in his bed.

"Yes," Jon clipped out, his darkened eyes dropping down to the hand around my waist. A feeling of discomfort coursed through me and I awkwardly stepped out of Shar's hold. Jon eyed me up and down, analysing my body for his own matter before his eyes landed on my face.

"Can we talk?" He asked, leaving me no room to decline.

Looked like my plan to avoid was washed right down the drain. I took a small step forward, turning my back to Jon and facing Shar.

He was glaring over my head at Jon, his jaw clenched tightly. "Shar?" I whispered, putting a hand over his hard biceps. He glanced down at me, his face softened from the hard edge.

"You're not his girl," he told me.

I closed my eyes slowly. I wanted to say, "oh how I wished I was his girl." Instead, I fell back on a simple, "I know."

When I opened my eyes, Shar leaned down so his face was directly in front of mine. "He gives you trouble, call me."

I nodded slowly at him, biting the insides of my cheeks. His finger grazed the end of my cheek slowly and a second later, his warmth disappeared.

I rotated my head to the side to see Shar and Jon in a heated stare down. "Watch yourself Jon." Shar snarled at Jon, the threat evident in his voice.

"Watching." Jon shot back, crossing his hands across his chest. I felt the static tension in the air and it frightened me to a certain level. Because if these two boys went head to head, I had no chance to break the fight out.

With a last deadly glare, Shar walked away.

Jon turned so he was fully facing me and dropped his hands by his sides. He wasn't speaking. He was probably waiting for Shar to be gone and I guessed correctly when I heard the mustang purr away and then Jon stalked towards me. He snatched my hand, pulling me out the room.

I managed to yell out a small, "hey!" just as Jon ran down the stairs, dragging me along. I put a hand against the wall, hoping that it would prevent me from tumbling forwards.

"Jon!" I yelled when he threw open the front door. He ignored me, taking long strides towards his house. "I need to close my door-" I told him, looking over my shoulder just as my front door slammed itself shut.

Great. And I left the key in my jacket upstairs. Just so great.

Jon didn't stop to have a chit chat until we were in his room, his doors locking behind us. The smell was what hit me first, so familiar and so Jon like. He dropped my hand like it burned him and turned to face me.

It took everything within me to not cower backwards from the scary look on his face. "Speak." He ordered.

I grabbed my hands, clasping them together and leaning forwards. I titled my head to the side, a sudden feeling of anger boiling up inside of me. But I contained it. "About what?" I asked.

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