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//Dedicated to Tala for the cute banner to the side//




I sat perched against my headboard, my notebook sprawled in front of me. Dangling the ink pen between my fingers, I puckered my lips at the words dancing on the paper. They weren’t making sense to me.

I ripped out the page, scrunched it up and threw it away. “For goodness sake!” I exclaimed, huffing out loudly. I threw my head back, banging it accidently on wall behind.

“Stop it Andrea!” My Dad shouted from his room. I flinched at the pain that throbbed through my head whilst running my hands through it. Both my Dad and Mom were leaving for a conference meeting and then a dinner part afterwards. I was going to be alone for most of the night much to my taste.

“Juce, hurry!” My Mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs and I could just imagine her scowling up at her husband of twenty years. They really were a pair with the constant nonsense of bickering but everyone could see the love that they both had for each other. I wanted that. I wanted something like that so badly with one particular boy.

I heard my Dad jog down the stairs, his giant footsteps nearly shaking up the whole house. “At least come down the stairs like a grown man and not a child.” My Mom yelled at him again.

“Next time don’t take fifty or so minutes in the shower, Ruth.” My Dad snapped back at his wife. It was unbelievable how I could hear them from downstairs but their loud voices kind of boomed through the whole house.

I heard them bickering for a few more minutes before the door slamming shot reverberated through the house. I cocked an eyebrow, waiting for the usual routine.

The door reopened. “See you later Andrea!” Both my parents yelled back at me and I let out a soft chuckle.

“Laters!” And then they were gone.

I exhaled deeply, lowering my lids.

This feeling really sucked because I couldn’t quite grasp the why of it. I should feel relieved Jon and I are done and the tie he had on me was finally lose. One more tuck and it was done for. Jon made it clear he was done with me and I knew it was going to come someday. I just didn’t expect it to come so quickly.

I opened my eyes and they immediately landed on my window. The curtains were drawn together and I was masked with utter darkness except of the light coming from my feeble bedside lamp. I didn’t know what to do with myself. Some could say I was moping in my room and bathing myself with all things heartache. I tried to find content in my writing but it wasn’t working. Trailing my eyes around my bedroom floor, all the scrunched papers should give a clear indication that it was doing nothing to keep my mind off things.

My phone buzzed on my bed beside me and my hands reached out quickly only to see a message from Shar. My heart fluttered slightly since it was still new to the concept of boy’s texting us.

Shar: Are you free?

Me: Yeah?

Shar: I saw your parents leave. Can I come up?

I jumped out of bed, cursing everything that came in my way. Oh no, Shar is coming up? I dropped my face into my open palm and let out a loud screech.

“Calm down Andy.” I told myself, picking up my head and taking in a deep breathe. Inhale… exhale.

I screeched again.

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