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//Dedicated to my Lover Deidra for that awesome drawing *she found *of Andy escaping Jon's room in just her underwear [enjoy the mighty fine ass]/




Jon pulled me along with him, pushing others that so much as dared to step in his way. I held on to my bag with dear life, my hands tightened around the thin strap.

Jon didn't stop until he had us both cramped inside a small room. Privacy in its finest form. I looked around us and saw we were in the CO room. A couple of people were sitting on the sofa but as soon as Jon growled for them to get out, they ducked it as fast as their legs could take them.

He furiously closed the door behind them, the loud bang catching me off guard. I jumped backwards, the back of my knees hitting a small table.

"You're scaring me." I whispered at Jon who was standing in the same spot, at the door with his hands crossed across his wide chest. He looked furious, rage filled... he was on the verge of exploding and I had no desire to be in the same room as him when that happened.

The first time I saw him explode was when his parents accused him of stealing.



That night

I was about to go to his room but all the harsh shouting and vile swearing stopped me. From the little gap in the curtains I saw Jon's dad shove him into the wall by his chest. Jon's dad was a big man, bigger than Jon himself and he was a ex-military soldier. His dad grabbed Jon by the front of his shirt, and pushing him into the standing closet. I let out a gasp when I saw it tilt down and hit the back of Jon's head.

"You are a worthless bastard that steals from his own blood and flesh." His dad had snarled, shoving him off and stalking out the room, grabbing his wife with him.

I watched in horror as Jon started smashing his room, throwing everything around. When he started punching the walls and when I caught the small glimpse of blood on his knuckles, I started to move.

Jon glanced at me over the mess in his room and with no word passed between us, we both got in bed.

"You need to clean your cut," I whispered in the dark, my head laying in my open palm.

"I didn't steal anything Andy," Jon replied after a few silent seconds. I closed my eyes at the underlined pain in his voice.

"I know Jon. I know."



"Good." Jon replied, narrowing his eyes down at me. 

I gulped down audibly, glancing over his shoulder to see if any one was coming in to save me. Where was Ellie? I hadn't seen her all day and surely she must of heard what happened.

"You're not leaving this time until I say what I got to say." Jon fumed out, pointing his index finger at me. I nodded at him slowly, not knowing what else to do. 

He took a step towards me, his hot eyes still locked on me. "You never gave me the chance to explain." He snarled out.

I nodded again, willing him to just go on and get this over with. I wanted to get away from this, all of this.

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