1 - Queens is a Horrible Place

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AN//: This is the first fanfic I ever wrote, it's terrible and cringe, but sentimental reasons stop me from deleting it, and also for some reason people like it. This will be under editing in the next few weeks (whenever I can be stuffed to do it). Anyway with that out of the way, please enjoy (or don't, I know I don't). 

The horn of a tuck blares, jolting your from your deep sleep. You sit up, reaching for your phone sitting on the nightstand. \5:45am/ you read the screen, "oh great" you say to yourself, flopping back down onto the bed.

You hated Queens, hated the early morning traffic, hated the bleakness of the city. But most of all you hated the people, people were so rude here, bumping past each other on the streets without a word of apology. It made it almost impossible to make friends, "It will be different when school starts," you remember your mother told you. You sigh. As if school could possibly make this situation better? You moved here for work, your mum had gotten a big, important promotion in the firm that she worked in. You were happy for her, but that the same time you loathed it.

You get up out of bed, 'school starts tomorrow and I'm gonna make the most of my free time', you think to yourself.

After having a shower and getting dressed you decided to pick out an outfit for your first day of school. You choose a simple denim blue dress with a pair of sneakers. You make sure to pick the sneakers with the hidden heels in them, at your old school you had been teased because of your height. That was one thing that was good about queens, not only was there no uniform - something that was enforced at your old school - but it was also a fresh start.

You walk into the bathroom and do your hair, you decide to put on some light makeup to cover the redness of your face and the development of a new pimple. 'Great' you think to yourself, the sarcasm audible even inside your head.

You walk out into the kitchen, your mum stood by the toaster making a fresh stack of toast. That's about all you'd eaten since you got here, that and take away food. 

"Good morning y/n" she says, coming up to you and wrapping her arms around you in a hug.

"Morning mum" you say into her shoulder. 

AN//: This is my Peter Parker x Reader fic located on my Instagram @/spidermanfic

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