Chapter 24

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Hotel (night)

Serena's P.O.V.

All of the girls were in Kayli's room.  Except for Abrielle of course.  Even the GM 's were there.  Guess they just needed a break

Our guys went out to eat

We were eating junk food,  listening to music, and watching TV. 

"So, how's things with u and Roman" Tima asked

"Good he wanted me to meet his parents and I did.... "

Kayli squealed "He's probably going to propose to you soon"

"Ha! No -_-. Besides it's easy for u to say,  you've been with Randy nearly a year" I said

"Randy's going to propose to you soon" Tima giggled

Kayli blushed

"Meeting the parents is serious though " Becky pointed out

"Especially when they like u" Abena said

"Idk if they like me... I mean... I left in the middle of talking "

"Why'd u do that? " Alyssa said blowing her newly polished nails dry

"They brought up something I didn't want to talk about" I looked down

"Oh... " They all said

"We should have a pillow fight!!! " Kayli screamed,  jumping on the bed, trying to cheer the mood

"Randy's gonna be on that ass if we mess this room up" Abena said, laughing

"It sounds like fun" Becky shrugged

"Such a rebel, just like ur boyfriend " Tima nudged Becky, being sarcastic

"Let's do it" Alyssa jumped up and tossed everyone a pillow

She threw me mine and hit me in the face.  I grabbed the pillow and smacked her with it.  Becky started laughing and Kayli hit her with a pillow

Then it was a war of pillow fighting.

Once we were done,  everyone was tired.  There was feathers everywhere. Broken glasses from knocking things over

Then, Randy opened the door,  followed by the other guys

"Oh..... shit" Becky mumbled

Randy looked at Kayli and so did everyone else

Next morning 7:00am

Everyone just left the room last night....  so we didnt know what happened

I woke up and freshened up.  I was going to jog around the block a few times. Wrestlemania 30 was tomorrow. I was so anxious

I put on a blue jogging suit. I decided to let Roman sleep.  I left him a note,  kissed his forehead, and left

While I was running I ran into Dean.... -_-

Dean's P. O. V

I was jogging....  wait,  is that Serena. We came closer and I realized it was her

She tried to run past me and not make eye contact.  I got in her way

She took out her earbuds "what! "

"So, u just gonna act like u didn't see me"

She rolled her eyes "yep"

"Abrielle told me that she apologized to Roman"

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