Chapter 29

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"No, I gotta go... "

"Fine" he said "I'll take you home"


We had just pulled up to the hotel

"Thank u" I looked at him

"No problem. I hope we can do this again soon" he flashed a sexy smile

"I'll think about it"

He tried to kiss me but I just kissed him on the cheek

I looked down "Thanks" I got out of the car

"Call me" he yelled out the window as I was walking away

I just turned around and smiled at him

I was walking down the hallway when Seth ran up to me

"Where have u been!"

"Don't worry about it.... is something wrong"

"Roman got into a car accident!"

I heart began beating slower "How?! "

"He was just drinking a lot and he tried to dri-"

"Shouldn't we go to the hospital! "

"Yeah, let's go" he grabbed my arm


I saw that people were already in the room. I saw Dean, Abrielle, and Kammy, I think that's her name

Roman had his head wrapped, a black eye, and broken wrist

I tried not to cry. I felt bad for him

"This is all ur fault" Kelsey said to me

"Bitch, how dafuq is this my fault"

"He was drinking because of u"

"Maybe if he never meet yo hoe ass, none of this shit would've happened!"

"Im not the reason Roman got into a car accident! "

"If u think about it.... yeah u are!!  if u wouldn't have fucked up our relationship, we wouldn't be here right now"

"If u wouldve known how to keep a man-! "

"If u would know how to stay off of random motherfuckers dick for tip-! "

"He didn't want yo heavy ass anyways!"

"I wonder what's bigger, your oversized ET head or the silicon in yo fake ass! "

"Stop! " Abrielle yelled "What is bickering going to do for Roman"

Kyla rolled her eyes and crossed her arms

Roman's P.O.V

I heard yelling...a lot of it. Wait, that sounds like Karly and Serena?...

My eyes popped open

"You're awake!" Karly hugged me and kissed me

Serena rolled her eyes

"Yeah.... "

"I'll be going since I see that ur ok" she turned around

She walked out the room and Dean followed her

"Is there anything I can get u" Karly asked

"Yeah.... "

I sent her out the room to get something which I really didn't need

Dean came back in with Serena. I don't know what he said to her but..... ok

"Can u guys give me a minute to talk to Serena alone"

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