I'm so nervous. It's my sophomore year and I don't think I will make it through highschool. Well at least I still have my friends. Sonia and Sean. Sean comes around sometimes. I barely see him though.
Let me update you on my life so far. Sonia has been acting real needy and has stopped talking to the guys here. She is now just focused on me. She is ALWAYS here! I'm sorry to say but... I'm sick of seeing her little Hispanic face every day.
Sean stopped flirting. He buys me a shit load of food every time he visits and hugs me for an extra long time. I like it, but I can't help but feel as if something is going on. Not the fact that he likes me, because I've always thought that he did, but it seems like he is cherishing the time he has with me. Sonia too.
Rodrigo is really distant. I can barely get in touch with him, and when I can, he just kind of brushes me off. It's like ever since he started dating this girl from out of town, he dislikes me. He doesn't want to be around me. Not even as a friend.
My sister just graduated and moved out last week. We were on good terms, so it was okay. She calls when she can. She told me that Robert lost his job. I laughed.
Mom is back being bitchy. Robert is still a little bitch of a man as well. The more I think about it, the angrier I get. It's as if my mom doesn't know that he is blinding her with whatever he does to make her dislike me and talk bad if me behind my back and to my face.
Oh well. I guess that's just life. Oh, and Karina and Mesha moved. Thank god. I couldn't bare to see their faces anymore anyway.
As for Evelyn, I heard she has a problem with me. Oh god. The most popular girl in school has a problem with me? This can't be good.
I got out of bed and got my clothes out. Now that I have to ride the bus, I just take up the time I usually spend getting dressed, getting my clothes out. I decided on a navy blue business jacket, a navy blue, short sleeved, sparkles shirt that had the top just above the chest see through and some tight dark blue jeans. I then decided on navy blue flats.
I had trimmed my hair down just a bit and dyed the ends a caramel brown color. I liked it that way. I still had my bangs and I wasn't planning in cutting them just yet.
I hopped in the shower and stayed in for fifteen minutes. I then got out, dried off, and took care of the rest of my hygiene. I put on my bra and panties and my clothes that I had out in. I then curled my hair at the bottom and combed my bangs. I put on some pink lipstick and grabbed my bag. I had a good half and hour before I had to be at the bus stop so I had time to waist.
I put on my new silver necklace, my black and silver bracelet, and some silver earrings. I looked good. I went down stairs and ate an apple and then threw it away. I then trudged my way to the bus stop.
As soon as I got there, I saw two girls duking it out hard. The skinny one was beating the crap out of the one who has slight curves. I looked over to see Evelyn filming. I just got in the bus and sat in the middle.
I was soon accompanied by Sonia. Then, everyone else piled on the bus. We then drove off to school. The drive was quick and silent except the occasional talk of the fight.
When I got in the school building, I high tailed it to second hall. I'm so lucky Evelyn is a Senior. If she was a Sophomore, she'd be in my hall making my life hell. I went to my first class. In my school, they give us our schedules two days before we start school.
I went to algebra two. It's boring as hell in there. I'm telling you. The shit is uncool. I sat and listened to our teacher talk to us about how tough she is and how we better not piss her off in this class. I'm just like, if you're a teacher, you're supposed to like kids and have patience. Not scare them and be a bitch about shit all the time. But I'm not worried. I'm a good kid.

Still Big 2
Teen FictionIts sophomore year and the clock is ticking. It's time to get ready in Franklin High. Charmed is now going to have more problems and more bull. Her best and only real friend is moving away. The most popular girls in school see her as their new enter...