My best friend acting weird. We been going to school sophomore year for two months now. She clingy and hella weird. I'll see her crying a little or pouting all the time. I don't know what's wrong with her but Ima ask.
I have seen Sean all of three times. He always hug me for a long ass time when he see me. I still enjoy it but damn. Let a bitch breathe.
Rodrigo still distant. He sees me and smirk and walks off without saying shit. He actin like a little bitch. I don't know what the fuck is up with him.
Evelyn been posting rude comments on my Instagram photos. She a bitch. Like for real for real. She straight trippin and she need to get her shit together before I cuss her ass out.
I'm PMSing like a bitch! OMG!!! I can't even began to explain how much people are getting on my last nerves! Especially Robert ugly ass! Oh my god if he say something else to me I'm going to cut his tongue out his mouth and shove it up his ass!
They turned the guest room into a nursery for the baby. My momma starting to show. I don't talk to her. I don't talk to Robert. I can't deal with them. I know I'll snap.
Right now, I'm on my way to Sonia house. I been spending the night at her house very often. Mostly because she always ask me and I always want to get away from my parents. The extra closet in her room is beyond full with my clothing. Mostly new shit that I bought and haven't worn yet.
It's gotten to the point that I don't even have to pack nothing. I can just go. I practically live there because we go to the same school and I can just ride with her. We get up around the same time anyway.
I like it at her house. It's always full of love and she hella cool. No rude comments and no arguing unless its over who gets to sit beside me at the dinner table. That shit funny.
Her momma always win the argument and I get to smell her amazing perfume. I stay sniffing her on the sly. I need to borrow that. Smell sooo good.
I walked up the stairs to Sonia's room. It smelled good. She had a candle lit to make an apple smell. I was glad. It usually smell like feet in her room.
I took a shower and got dressed. It was Friday and we had just got out of school. I was wearing a black v neck low cut obey T-shirt with the word obey written in grey with short sleeves wish some high waisted grey jean shorts and some black Jordan's.I sat on the bed and was comfortable. my hair was just down and straights. I didn't feel like doing much to it so I just brushed it and let it be.
Sonia walked in and sat beside me. I guess she sensed the change that has come to me the past few days.
"Why you feel some type of way?" she asked.
"Cause shit changed Sonia. Everybody distant as shit. Rodrigo acting up since Hercules got killed. Sean always gone and he hug me extra long. You acting real clingy lately. I don't know what's going on with y'all" I said.
"Girl Rodrigo got a stick up his ass. Sean just misses you. I'm just trying to hang with my bestie." she explained.
"Okay. I get it now. It just seemed kinda weird ya know?" I said.
"Yes I know" she laid down and went to sleep.
I did the same. I woke up to a slight buzzing sound. I looked to see the t.v. was on the fritz. I got up and turned it off. Something just wasn't right. It was 10 AM and everyone was still asleep.
I showered and put on some Kargos and a wide beater with some black jordans. I let my hair hang free and I brushed my teeth. I did the rest of my hygiene thing and walked out and went to the park.
I was walking when I saw Rodrigo. He mugged me. Okay that's it. I'm about to check this nigga and see what's up with him. He got a problem and I'm about to solve it.
I inhaled and then exhaled. I began walking to him confidently. When I saw Evelyn walk up and kissed and hugged him, I almost fainted. He hugged her back and they looked at me. Evelyn's now golden blonde hair was bone straight. How could he? What the hell? Oh god....
Sorry I'm late.
yea so what you think?
Read next chapter to see what happens next. I'll update soon
I also decided to interact with y'all more.
I want to thank you. I want to tell you that I appreciate y'all supporting me and my stories. Thank you.
Also vote and comment.
And Danny_Dawson, thanks for suggesting the name last book. I will mention the name you gave me for a character next book. Thanks so much.
Thanks and gn.

Still Big 2
Teen FictionIts sophomore year and the clock is ticking. It's time to get ready in Franklin High. Charmed is now going to have more problems and more bull. Her best and only real friend is moving away. The most popular girls in school see her as their new enter...