missing you

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Courtney POV

I miss my babies.

I lost Charmed on my own.

She doesn't talk to me,

She doesn't look at me,

She hates me.

Celeste doesn't want shit to do with me. I can't blame her.

Robert stay cheating. I guess that's what I get for putting a man that hurts me before my children that thought I was the queen and the HBIC before I met him. I betrayed them.

I miss Charmed's father. He was my everything. Celeste know. She doesn't talk about him though. He took care of her as if she was his. He ain't dead. He somewhere out there. I don't know where.

McAllen darling, if you're out there, I miss you.

Celeste POV

I miss my little sister. I just got on good terms with her some time ago, but I cant stay and be buddy buddy.

College is eating me up. Brooo. It's super hard. I have a boyfriend though. His name is Tim. He treats me like a queen. Something Damien never did.

Charmed POV

I miss my beat friend. She's been gone for three weeks now. I want her to come back. I'm lonely at school and I need her.

Rodrigo POV

I miss Charmed. She hates me and won't talk to me. I miss her so much. I just wish I hadn't done that to her.

Evelyn POV

I cry every night.

Hercules was my life.

I miss him so.

Rodrigo taco ass had to take him away from me.

I'm gon kill his bitch ass my damn self.

Hercules baby... I miss you!

Sonia POV

I miss Charmed.

I may never see her again.

I hate it here.

I have to go to school with all these rude people

if I get called a Chulo one more fucking time, I'm going to beat some ass.

I know its only probably like three to four pages long. Again this is just a filler. Just to give you some insight. Thanks for reading. See ya next chapter. Comment and Vote.

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