4. Notorious.

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"I was driving home from work when I got the call." he starts.

"Persephone, I've never felt such, such, fear. An-and terror or confusion or uncertainty before. Ever.

I mean, I thought," his voice cracks,
"I- I thought you were dea-"

"I'm not." I say as I caress his cheeks. His tears drip down onto my palms. "I'm here," I assure him.

He sniffles without looking up before saying "My heart skipped a beat Sephony. I had to pull over because I could feel my panic attack coming. I just, I couldn't even begin to process," he looks up at me,

"I mean what were you doing in Brooklyn? I thought you were in Busan for a business trip. How did you get yourself into this situation I- I- I just have so many questions an-"

"I know and I'll answer them all. I will. I promise. I just, I don't want to relive it again so soon, if-if that's okay with you?" I lie, as I knew if it were Jaebum here Instead of Tae, I'd relive the painful memory as many times as he wanted me to.

"No, no, no I get it, I understand babe," he lands a gentle kiss on my forehead, "I'll let you get some rest." He smiles as he sets down the flowers and whispers 'I love you' on his way out.

I close my eyes to get some rest and prepare for what's to come. Where's Jb? I think to myself. Where's Got7? Are they ok? How did I get here? Why am I her- God I need some weed. I'm more at ease when I'm high.

Maren walks in ten minutes later disturbing and waking me from my nap. She walks in holding a flask and sits herself on the side of my bed ushering me to make space and sit up straight.

"Here drink this," she hands me the flask and I swallow a large amount before gagging as it's strong flavour takes me by surprise.

"Is this vodka?" I cough.

"Yes, now drink up. I need you awake and alert to hear what I'm about so say."

"I don't understand why-" she tilts the flask downwards and I'm forced to take another big gulp of vodka, waking me up alarmingly.

"The ambush that happened, it was all JYP, he found them." She starts, her eyes wide.

I swallow hard over the lump in my throat. Oh God. How am I still alive? Are they-

"Are they dea-" I begin to screech.

Maren places her hand over mouth and insists for me to keep my voice down through her gaze.

"They're fine." She blinks as she removes her hand slowly. "They're with right now coming an agreement."

Agreement? How can you come to an agreement with the man you robbed from?

After 2pm's mission failed and landed them jail time, the company hit rock bottom. As 2pm were management the company quickly fell apart without them.

There was a huge issue with money, also. Not everyone was making the amount they had been promised.

Jaebum saw an opportunity and seized it. He did what he felt was in the best interest of himself and the boys...

They robbed JYP of almost all its money and stole some drugs also. With that they fled to Brooklyn to set up shop for a while.

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