8. Safe House.

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Jinyoung sips from his soju as Jackson takes a seat beside me.

"I wanted to tell you about me and Nilka Jb. We all did," Jackson starts,

"But Mark insisted that we don't. He thought the less who knew the safer they'd be," He continues,

"He didn't want to bring Everly to Brooklyn, so out of fear that JYP would find her he bought her a safe house in Itaewon," he says quickly not giving me a chance to talk.

"Everly welcomed Nilka and Melissa with open arms. She was going to offer Persephone, Maren, Laura and Savannah places to stay too but Mark stopped her as he thought it was too risky."

I can't believe this. I really don't care about Mark keeping this from me and I'm not surprised that Jackson and Jinyoung knew. They're the two members closest to him.

But Youngjae? I'm just as hurt as I am shocked. I question for a second whether it's my fault my members felt like they couldn't confide in me but I end up just blaming Mark.

I raise my hand to stop Jackson from blabbing.

"There's a time and place to talk about this and it's not here. Not now." I say with annoyance and Jackson nods nervously.

"I'll speak to rest the rest of G7 about this when we get back to Seoul." I grit and Jackson swallows hard trying to mask his fear.

I turn to Jinyoung and usher for him to begin.

Jinyoung explained from the very beginning, not leaving a detail or his opinion behind.

"The maknae line put together didn't do half as much work as I did yet still, I got payed less." He moaned.

"Jinyoung, 2pm got busted, there wasn't enough money to go around for allot us." I defend. "JYP did-"

"JYP!" scoffs. "He always gets that last say huh," Jinyoung whines.

"Well he is our boss," Jackson mentions as he sips his soju. I shoot him a glance insisting he shuts up.

I look down at the floor in disappointment in response to all these feeling Jinyoung has kept bottled up. I failed him as a leader.

"When we came to the conclusion of leaving JYP I was mortified. I was already low on funds and I knew without JYP supporting me financially I'd be homeless within a couple of months."

Jackson stiffens up from the reveal of this information.

"I didn't tell anyone for the sake of the group. I knew 'We'd work it out'." He quotes words I once said and my heart hurts.

"I was prepared to start fresh. Clean slate. No drugs, no crime, no looking over my shoulder or loosing sleep, none of it!" He snaps.

"I was convinced we all wanted the same thing," he whines, "None of you guys felt the need to tell me we didn't."

"We knew you'd disagree," Jackson mumbles.

"You knew I'd disagree," Jinyoung repeats as he narrows his eyes at Jackson.

"So what did you's do? You's lied-"

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