prologue- finding Saber

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Summer ovp:

I was heading back home from my shopping trip

Summer: *touching her belly* soon I'll get to see you my little ruby.

As I walked back I hear a cry from behind some bushes and when to check it out but what I found surprised me a little baby wrapped in a blanket

Baby: *crying*

I set closer to it and pick him or her up while trying to comfort the little one

Summer: shhh, no need to cry *comforts it*

As soon I was cradling the baby he/her stoped crying and I was a little note in the blanket and started to read it

Note: who ever finds this baby please look after my little Saber he's the last one of my clan to left alive there will be a time for him to protect this world please and thank you.

After I read the note I took saber to my house where tai was reading a book to yang.

Yang: mommy summer *she gets up and runs to her*

Summer: hi yang

Tai: *notice saber*  where did you found him?

Summer: On my way back his parents left so he can be safe

After that saber became part of our family and I know that his parents are looking after him and being proud of their son

AN: so how was the prologue?well I hope you all enjoyed it because I'll be working on the first chapter tomorrow till next time bye.

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