Chapter 9

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Mahiru's POV

I Wake up to the sound of Glass shattering so i run towards the loungroom to see shards of sparking glass lying on the floor

My eyes flicker to a rock with a note i put it aside and start to clean up the glass

"Seriously a rock flew through the window with a note on it and you care more about cleaning up the Glass!?" Kuro says annoyed

"I dont want us to step on it anyway it was a mess and now its cleaned up" i tell him as i pick the note of the rock

'Come to the park in 2 hours or you'll regret it'

"So thats what lawless meant ... was this that same womans doing?" Kuro mutters to himself i pick him up by the skruff "you knew about this?!" I yell

"Well lawless told me so kinda.... can you put me down now im tired.." he says i sigh and drop him, his paws landing softly on the floor

"I have to find out whose involved in this ill call licht since lawless knows things" i say as i walk over to the phone

...beep beep be- "Hello?!" I hear licht yell "uh hey is this a bad time?" I ask " no not really .. just fighting some... demons ... like a angel does" he says pausing a lot "Fighting?! They said in 2 hours" i yell

"Ok i got the same note its not 2 hours it more like... 10 minutes i got the same note and so did everyone else you .... were the last person... to get the note ... so ... wait lawless- JUST PLEASE GET OVER HERE ANGEL IS INJURED AND HES NOT THE ONLY ONE!" --- beep beep beep

I stand frozen from what just happens but after a few seconds i run grab Kuro and i run outside into the white snowy land ready to fight

As i run i realise i forgot my jacket but i dont look back  i get on the broom and fly to the Coordinates that were in the back on the paper

Oh its a Wibbly wobbly timey wimey
Time skip (I dont even know)🌸

I land next licht only to be Flung back landing in the snow by someone

"Why hello my name is Micah nice to meet you" a guy with Jet black hair and Blood red Eyes says bowing

"Fucking demon what do you want?!"
Licht yells

"Well i just wanted to see how you'd react if i sent my little friends to kill you but i guess they are just too weak" he says looking at all the defeated Vampires

"Well i best get back to working on my weapon" he says smiling at that moment i notice he has no fangs then how did he get ... huh? I look back over to where the defeated vampires were but nothing is left but a inprint of them in the soft white snow

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WEAPON?!" Licht yells "angel hes not going to give away his plans that easily!" Lawless says

"Actually sharing is caring so ill tell you .... shes very strong and tough" ge says smiling proudly

"That didnt tell us anything?!" Licht yells again "thats the point" i hear Kuro say

" Aaanywho you'll meet her soon but for now ... Toodles!" He says as he skips a few steps then disappears

"I dont like where this is going" misono says "without the cure what can we do" lily speaks up "this fucking sucks!" Licht yells kicking the snow

"I'll review the paper again" i say dusting the snow of my back "is it ok if i get a copy of that?" Licht asks i nod and wave goodbye to everyone

Time skip brought to you by Fairy Bread 🍞

As soon as i get home i walk into my study and photo copy the paper mailing to licht before i review the note again

3rd person POV!! 💌

As mahiru reads and re-reads and re-reads again over and over kuro sits a the door listening

Kuro figured out the poem a while ago but didn't tell for the sake of rejection he knew it wasn't like him to act like that but he enjoys mahirus company and he doesnt want to ruin that so he says quiet

He doesnt tell mahiru that is instead he tells Lawless ...

Lawless POV! ☺

Its the only...  way
How can i just go up to Angel-Chan and say 'Hey Angel cakes i love you'
Without getting kicked there has to be a strategy!

I continue to argue with myself until i hear lichts gentle playing of the piano

My whole body was frozen soon the tune of the piano ended and i was able to move again i startle licht by clapping

"Tch you heard it didnt you" he says turning he head away i saw red on his cheeks

'Aw hes blushing... i made him blush....wait how ... when' i start to confuse myself byy thinking of what i did to make him blush

Ok nevermind that

"Your door was open and i heard you so of course id listen.... it was beautiful" i say my heart skips so many beats as i see his smile

"Well.... g-good for you.. now i-im going to bed!" He says as he puts the piano cover down and walks away quickly

I spend the rest of the day singing that song it won't leave my head!

You got me so helpless...


Thankyou for reading!
Sorry for not uploading often ive been sick a lot
But here is a chapter!

I just have to say i have been introduced to Hamilton and Heathers and more so if you know any of these you will see references XD

Aanyway I hope you enjoyed!! ♡♡


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