Chapter 22: Koa

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My body ached and with every beat my heart made against my rib cage, my blood heated. Another source of heat sent a warm sensation through my fingertips making them tingle. I moved around feeling comfortable in the position I was laying in, still a bit stiff from a roughs night sleep. A fraction of the sky opened up revealing a large bolt of lightning that I could see behind my closed eyes. I instantly opened them and panic seat in. Everything that happened last night came crashing down onto me and my heart stopped.

My blood. Her bloor.

I quickly sat up and took my shaky hands and placed them against my body. My fingers trailed over my ripped shirt and connected with my bare skin. I flinched and snatched my hand away from the sensitive area. Although it was closed and healing, my touch reminded me of how the blade cut into my skin ripping it apart with such a delicate touch. I swallowed hard, my spotted memory filling with the violent events of the previous day.

I remembered feeling my skin seer when the blade hit my flesh. I remembered all seeing all the memories, that I collected over my life time of what I could recall, come by in flying colors. I remember running away from base with Lavender in my arms. I rememb-


I slowly turned around shocked to see that Lavender was sleeping with her back against the tree. She wore my clothes stained with blood that wasn't just her own. Her shirt was wrinkled and on the left side, half of the shirt stuck out of the pants that were loose around her tiny waist. Her hands laid in her lap with her on of her legs pulled up to her chest and the other laying out and about. She was at peace, or so it seemed until a crack of lightning sounded off in the distance startling her awake.

As much as I wanted to settle her down and make sure that she was alright, a big bubble of anger mixed with hatred swelled in the center of my chest and began to rise. I stared at her as she stirred taking in her surroundings, though the rain continued to pour and it was hard to see though the leaves that hung low from the tree.

I continued to stare and wait until she noticed me and when she did, a smile was brought to her plump, slightly chapped lips. I scowled at her and the smile that was once there disappeared in the matter of a few seconds.

"What?" Her voice was raspy and broke halfway through the word, but hearing her voice made my stomach flip. I quickly pushed the feeling aside and deepened my frown while balling my fist.

"Why?" Lavender rubbed her big doe eyes and yawned as I spoke, she seemed confused and it was pissing me off.

"Why what?" This is getting ridiculous now and I couldn't hold back my anger any longer.

"You keep saving me! Constantly! I can take care of myself, and I don't need your help when it comes to battle! So stop protecting me cause I can protect myself, I have for all these years and I will continue to do so!" I took a deep breath closing my eyes while rubbing the overgrown tangled curls that sat tightly on top of my head. I could hear her heart pound against her chest and the blood run through her veins with an urgency to protect. She began putting up her defence, and when I opened my eyes to peer into hers, I could see a combination of emotions lacing themselves through her purple pupils.

I opened my mouth to speak once more, but before I could utter a single would, Lavenders words were coming at me with daggers.

"I made a promise. Do you remember what it was Koa?" I internally shrunk back feeling intimidated from the way she was now hovering over me after standing up from where she had been sleeping not to long ago. I wanted to tell her of course I remembered what it was. She was sitting on top of me with my own knife to my throat when she said it, but I thought it was better if I just kept my mouth shut.

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