Chapter 28: Ty

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I licked the dust off of my lips and wiped my hand across my eyebrow flinging the sweat across the area. Three hours. I scuffed and shook my head. It took me three hours to find my sister and she was right under my nose. Tucking the gun into the back of my pants, I snatched the rag that hung loose from the same pocket and began wiping the blood that splattered onto my cheeks. Everything inside of me felt numb. This is what I had to do right? I stared at the monitor refusing to take my eyes off of it. All I could think of was that I had just made one of the biggest mistakes possible.

I swallowed hard and tapped my fingers against my leg while my finger laid flat against the trigger that I had so carelessly pulled a few seconds ago.

If I hadn't done this someone else would of. I stuck to my reasoning and stuffed the dirty rag back into my pocket and tucked the gun back into the band of my black pants. "Hurry up! This is the last one Ty!" I rolled my eyes and back away looking at my sisters blue dust that was spread through the dirt and danced with the light breeze that escaped through the cracks in the mud that made the home that once belonged to my family. I turned around and went up the inclined path while ignoring the ruble that once made up the home I grew up in.

"I'm right here, it's clear, no papers, chips, or people." I lifted my hand and waved two fingers in the air signaling that everything was a go. Anrow nodded and kneeled down onto the ground looking around to make sure that no one was watching him. I watched as he pulled a ragged rag out of the front packet of the back along with a closed bottle. It was better this way.

When I looked back over at Anrow, he had already stuffed the cloth into the clear flammable solution and light it on fire. It was only a matter of time until the bottle would explode and a mere few seconds before it did, he chucked it into the window and ran tugging me only with him. From a far, I witnessed my only home being destroyed, the one thing that brought nothing but good memories.

The hut was lit up in roaring flames crumbling before my eyes. It was a beautiful fire, one of the biggest that I had ever seen.

"Do you even know who's home that was man?" Anrow had shoved me to the side after speaking catching me off guard. We began walking away and I just shrugged feeling even more sweat drip down my back.

"No idea." We walked in silence, well I walked in my own silence as Anrow made numerous failed attempts to engage me in his solo conversations. I wanted to shoot him for talking so much, but I had to wait just a hair longer in order to do so. When I would get the command I would drop everything and shoot him between his big brown bug eyes. The thought made me think of the screen I shot. Her startling purple eyes were burned into my brain. They had somehow darkened.

My chest tightened as I tried to wipe Lavender out of my thoughts but I couldn't. She was a new marking imprinted on me, something that I couldn't and didn't want to forget. Shutting my eyes I slammed my fist against my temple trying to smash any thought of her out of my head, but it only intensified every single thing.

Her hair, put in a messy and drooping bun, hair dark purple instead cotton candy pink and blue. Her eyes, once light now dark and filled with a coldness that I never knew she could have. Her face, slightly sunken in but somehow glowing through the crusted dirt and beads of sweat that had gathered around her forehead.

My temples were throbbing and my feet were stuck to the grainy earth that swirled around my legs as the wind picked up. "Ty! Let's go, we need to get back or we are going to face punishment." Anrow's high pitched voice broke into my thoughts and batted them away. I forced my eyes open and swallowed hard enough for him to hear it before I took a turn down a crumpted ally ignoring his calls for me to come back. I wanted to be alone. I needed to be alone.

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