Chapter 1: { Part 2 }

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Darkness and shadows, that's all I see. Blood red eyes staring at me, it sent shivers down my spine.

" You'll be mine big sister. Then you'll know the full truth." 

My eyes widened at the sentence. " W-who?"  I asked, trembling.

"Your--"  before he answered, he was cut off by a blinding blue light.

The blinding light was from my silver moon necklace, but something was different instead of the golden sun next to the moon... It was box with a trapped--


I gasp as I sit up right, I was breathing heavily. I noticed that there was other people in my room.

" Y/N, are you... Okay?" A voice beside me asked, it was Leina.

I look down, and nodded. When I look back at her I saw the others, Az and Gabe. They're face plasters with worry.

" W-what happened?" I hesitated to ask.

" Your necklace, Y/N... It changed, again." Azane answered.

I sigh." Hey... Get out of my Room!! I'm still in my nightwear, IDIOT!!" I shout.

Actually I was just wearing a oversized white buttoned shirt. " Oh... Yeah" Az said, quickly getting out.

" Sorry, about that." Gabe said, as he threw my a nervous smile then went out.


===[ Time Skip~]===

I was wearing a green small dress below a light brown cardigan.

I was wearing a green small dress below a light brown cardigan

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( Aria: you'll be wearing the other outfit next chapter.)

' I'm ready... But that dream earlier, was it a prophecy?' I thought to myself as I left my room.

The hallways were quiet. I sigh as I reached the main lobby. I twist the gold door knob, and found Leina standing beside a large door, which was actually the door way to another universe. 

It was blue, with gold embeds details.

It was blue, with gold embeds details

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I walk toward it and stop when I was in front if it, I let out a long exhale. Then looked at Leina, who was giving me a closed eyed smile. " Here," she said after accepting a ring from Az. Smile at him before looking back at the light haired female.

" It's a ring that straps almost all of your power, only the one who put it on will be able to take it off." She adds putting on a silver, leaf style ring.

" She adds putting on a silver, leaf style ring

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" Thanks, Leina." I say before entering the door.

And before I knew it I was already in the apartment. I look at the sofa as I lazily let myself fall on it.

" Ugh... Finally!!" I scream under the pillow.

Then I turn on the huge TV in fronted me, and clicked Netflix. As I scrolled down then saw black butler, so I clicked it then watched the book of Atlantic movie.


Hey guys~

Azane: hey, I hope you guys enjoy the story!

Aria: oh, and sorry for the short chapter. It's just...

Azane: because school is coming up and I think we'll have to minimize our updates. Anyways.... 

Aria: remember the guy who said creepy things at first?

Azane: we want you guys to theorize who it is down below in the comments.

Aria: for the theory who gets close enough to the real deal, we will email you some spoilers for who he is!

Azane: yeah.. Actually  we just want your imagination to go wild, maybe we will even email you guys our new story: universe of blue flame, a blue exorcist fanfic.

Aria: well we'll be going now, Adieu!

Azane: Au revoir!


DISCLAIMER: I do not own black butler, only the plot and the MC!


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